10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (2024)

09 Oct 10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22

Posted at 17:50hin Daily Design Inspiration, Poster InspirationbyRyan McCready


Every hour there are thousands of projects published by many talented designers. But because those areshared across a collection of different social networks and sites, you often miss them.

That’s why I decided to put togetherthe firstedition of the Daily Design Inspiration. With this daily collection ofmodernposter examples, Iwant to give new designers a platform to show off their work.

To spread some inspiration to readers. To collect amazing design workon one platform. And to make iteasy for anyone to create something beautiful.

In this edition of theDaily Design Inspiration, we are going to look at somemodern poster examples fromBalmer Hahlen,Kobe Coffee,and a few from our own Venngage designers.

Now if you want to learn more about creating your ownposters from scratch, start withthis article:

Also be sure to check out yesterday’s Daily Design Inspiration, where we covered someEvent Flyer examples!

1. Walking Towards The MountaintopIndustrial Design Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (2)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (3)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (4)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (5)

Creator:Not Listed

Type: Creative Modern PosterExample

Selected Because:The industrial design poster above shows how you can use basic shapes and bring them to life. When it comes down to it, the mountain is really just a curving line with two different shades of color on each side. The designer has done an effective job using colors to create depth in this flat poster design.

There is a great deal of framing around this modern poster design, which gives it a creative, balanced look while still remaining professional. Each line of text aligns perfectly with one element or another; the title of the poster against the frame, and the secondary text along the edges of the margin.

2.Science FictionModern Event Poster Template

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (7)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (8)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (9)


Type:Dark Modern PosterExample

Selected Because:Are you powering through the force and going towards to the utopia, or is it a black hole sucking you in? It’s neat how the designer made this utopia dark and unknown, making it not only mysterious but also, fitting the theme of “at a cost”.

The frame around the image creates a sense of looking into something, in this case looking into the future. The design gives me mixed feelings about this modern poster idea; in a way it makes me laugh. The font style of Europe gives a friendly, exciting vibe, but as you continue to the bottom, the font changes to something more terrifying and serious. With the dark theme in mind, the designer has even placed the modern poster design in dark settings to show how it can really suck the audience in.

3. Do It TogetherModern Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (10)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (11)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (12)

Creator: Balmer Hahlen

Type:Hand Crafted Modern PosterExample

Selected Because:The illustration of holding hands together in a way creates the shape of an infinity sign. If people do things together and help one another it will go on for centuries, the cycle will never end; just like the sign. The colors used in this modern poster template also go with the theme, white reminds me of peace, and green is friendly, both playing hand in hand for a better tomorrow.

I have noticed a trend with modern poster templates where the text is aligned along the border of the page, or even along the inner margins. This is also the case in this modern poster example; the text is along the edges, helping to frame and place emphasis on the illustration itself. This template even provides a second layout where the colors are reversed from the original poster and information is listed in an effective way.

4. Fete De La Musique Modern Event Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (13)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (14)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (15)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (16)

Creator:Fete De La Musique

Type:Gradient Minimalist PosterExample

Selected Because:

There is a lot going on in the center of this event poster design, but with the use of a gradient, the text is easily legible. A different color is assigned to different parts of the text, helping make it clearer. If the design were all one color this may not have been the case.

The white space around the illustration really helps balance out event poster design. This poster design template could be placed in any type of setting and still have visual impact, mainly because the use of white background will mute out any external noise and place focus on the center.

Speaking of noise, the illustration is also relevant; it’s representing the sound waves of music, fitting right into the theme of the event poster design.

5.Saison Modern Event Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (17)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (18)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (19)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (20)

Creator: Not Listed

Type:Modern Typographic PosterExample

Selected Because:The designer proves the use of color in this modern poster template makes it attractive in any setting. It doesn’t matter if the design is posted as is, or with different colored frames, it will stand out either way.

This is also a great example of a symmetrical poster design; the design and the text are equally balanced through the entire canvas. A great deal of information has been listed in a fun and creative way; it doesn’t bore the audience at all. The smaller text has been used to help pave a path for the main heading, and I think it works just right for this modern poster design!

6. Futuristic Science Fair Event FlyerTemplate

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (21)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (22)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (23)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (24)


Type:ModernEvent PosterExample

Selected Because:For a science fair event, this stock photo fits right in for this event poster idea! As a kid when thinking of science, I would immediately think of space and what’s out there, this background represents just that. Keeping in mind this science fair is for students, and possibly parents, the use of colors and sizing in the text really makes the information easy to remember.

One example even shows indents as if the poster was folded up, just like what kids would do in school to flyers they receive. But looking at it from a design perspective, it helps to outline the alignment for each group of text!

Instead of drowning out the image in the back, the text is placed on the side so both can be seen easily. The event poster example is an example of how you can use stock images to help cater to your audience.

7.Kobe CoffeeModern Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (25)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (26)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (27)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (28)

Creator:Kobe Coffee

Type:Modern Coffee Poster Example

Selected Because:When you think of coffee, right away, the color brown comes to mind, and with this modern poster design, you can’t help but crave some. I like how the designer didn’t use the obvious way of coloring the coffee brown; instead, it was reversed and reflected in the text of this poster design template.

If you think about it, usually when you see the word coffee it always has a similar font, no matter where it is. The font style used in this modern poster design is along the same lines of what I see elsewhere, but to change it up, the designer has skewed each letter to different sizes and shapes so it can wrap around the spill, making it more artistic.

I believe the use of font style in this poster design makes it fit easily into any situation, whether its modern or rustic chic.

8.BYU School Of Music Synthesis Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (29)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (30)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (31)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (32)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (33)

Creator:BYU School Of Music

Type:ModernEvent PosterExample

Selected Because:I love the change of duotone colors in this modern event poster. Normally when I see a duotone design, it’s the same colors across the page, but in this case, it’s different and presented in a neat, organized manner. Don’t get me wrong, by neat and organized I don’t mean it’s boring, it’s actually the opposite! Each frame not only shows different colors but also different parts of an image, my favorite kind of an abstract design poster!

With the image taking up two-thirds of the page, the designer has placed the information at the very bottom to balance out the page. If you follow the vertical lines down, even the text is aligned with each section! This modern event poster has done a tremendous job with the use of space by putting images and text in different sections within the margins.

9.Colorful Modern Pool Party Event PosterTemplate


Type:Modern EventPoster Example

Selected Because:The colors in the background, with the font style for the heading combined, is a very retro vibe. The use of two different font styles makes the heading more prominent and different from the rest of the information. Each group of information has different sizing, not only allowing it to group the information together but also leading the eye across.

The event poster template is not only balanced horizontally but vertically as well. There is an equal amount of elements both on the blue and yellow side. When looking at it vertically, the text on one side helps balance out the image of the pool ladder on the other.

It doesn’t matter where I see this event poster template; it makes me want to have a pool party right away.

10. Cine Cabaret Modern Movie Poster Example

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (38)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (39)
10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (40)

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (41)

Creator:Cine Cabaret

Type:Modern EventPoster Example

Selected Because:I have a weak spot when it comes to a sectional use of overlays mixed with duotones. Such a simple feature really brings a fresh perspective to an image and design. Just like this event poster example, you feel as if you are experiencing two different visuals when really it’s just one!

If the green overlay were removed, this event poster example would look like a flat poster design. The overlay really created a sense of depth in this design making it more visually appealing. Once again, a designer has shown how you can divide up your canvas with images or illustrations on one side, and text on the other. This even helps with the readability of the information presented, as its away from any noise.

Now if you want to learn more about creating your own poster I would recommend checking out these articles:

The Ultimate Poster Design Guide: 80+ Design Tips and Templates for Every Occasion

Or check out our collection ofCreative Posters from last week!

10+ Modern Poster Examples & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #22 | Venngage Gallery (2024)


What makes a poster modern? ›

Play With Risky Colors to Grab Attention

Modern consumers are used to brands taking risks. While the color palette of your poster design should match your brand guide, you can stray from your branding for the purpose of getting your target audience excited and catching their attention.

How do you design an inspiration poster? ›

14 creative poster ideas for design inspirations.
  1. Create synergy with graphic and text design.
  2. Use icons in new, imaginative ways.
  3. Use vibrant, eye-catching colours.
  4. Rethink an object's potential.
  5. Play with symmetry.
  6. Use layers to transform your design.
  7. Lots of solutions for lots of text.

How can one make a poster look attractive by? ›

15 creative poster design ideas to make your posters stand out
  1. Use bold color overlays and contrasting colors to create energy and elicit a mood. ...
  2. Establish visual hierarchy for more eye-catching designs. ...
  3. Remove unnecessary elements. ...
  4. Try interesting shapes to create visual interest.

What a good poster looks like? ›

Roughly speaking, 30% of your poster should consist of white space, 40% should consist of your title and text, and 30% should consist of graphic images.

How to make posters look good without frames? ›

You can discretely use small pieces of tape, so the artwork alone stands out, or you can make the tape part of the whole experience. Use it along the print's border as a faux frame. Create your own custom boards and keep all your inspiration in one place.

How to make a poster easy? ›

Don't overcrowd your poster with too many graphics or too much text. The most memorable posters are simple and clear with white space, visually pleasing information and a call-to-action. Only include the details you really need people to see; the idea is to pique their interest.

How to make a poster not boring? ›

Here are some quick tips for attention-grabbing posters.
  1. Incorporate shapes, lines, and patterns. These elements are crucial in graphic design for different purposes. ...
  2. Combine complementary colors. ...
  3. Pay attention to the hierarchy of objects. ...
  4. Use consistent page margin width. ...
  5. White space is just as important.
Mar 28, 2024

What are the two main types of posters? ›

10 Different Poster Types
  • 1) Educational Posters. ...
  • 2) Political Posters. ...
  • 3) Social Posters. ...
  • 4) Advertising Posters. ...
  • 5) Campaign Posters. ...
  • 6) Corporate Posters. ...
  • 7) Digital Posters. ...
  • 8) Fashion Posters.
Sep 13, 2023

What is the most popular poster of all time? ›

What Is the Most Popular Poster of All Time?
  • Keep Calm and Carry On. ...
  • Farrah Fawcett in Red Swimsuit. ...
  • Uncle Sam 'I Want You' ...
  • The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh. ...
  • The Godfather. ...
  • Pulp Fiction. ...
  • Che Guevara 'Guerrillero Heroico' ...
  • We Can Do It!

What are the 10 tips for perfect poster design? ›

Here Are Some Essential Tips You Should Consider When Designing A Poster
  • It Should Be Readable From A Distance. ...
  • Create Some Contrast. ...
  • Consider The Location. ...
  • Stand Out. ...
  • Make It Scalable. ...
  • Use A Big Image. ...
  • Make Good Use Of Space. ...
  • Pay Attention To Call-To-Action.
Sep 4, 2018

What are the best topics for poster? ›

Here are some detailed ideas to get you started:
  • Climate change facts and impact posters. ...
  • Recycling and waste reduction guides. ...
  • Endangered species awareness. ...
  • Water conservation tips. ...
  • Social justice and equality posters. ...
  • Sustainable lifestyle tips. ...
  • Global humanitarian issues.

How are posters made today? ›

Posters today are most often printed digitally and are used alongside all other forms of advertising for political, social and cultural purposes. Campaign posters might be used alongside printed advertisem*nts, online campaigns and an array of other marketing strategies.

How to create a good poster? ›

Tips for Creating Posters
  1. Use no more than two typefaces.
  2. Use sans serif fonts like Arial, Calibri, or Helvetica. ...
  3. Write the authors' names, collaborators' names, and subheadings using 48-point font or larger.
  4. Use 30 to 36-point font for the narrative text.

What is modern poster size? ›

Poster Sizes in Inches vs Centimeters
US SizesSizes in CM
11 x 17in27.94 x 43.18cm
13 x 19in33.02 x 48.26cm
16 x 24in40.64 x 60.96cm
18 x 24in45.72 x 60.96cm
4 more rows
Aug 12, 2022

How do I make my poster dynamic? ›

  1. Creating a Dynamic Poster.
  2. The objective of the poster:
  3. • Showcase your project or experience. • Demonstrate your abilities as a researcher. ...
  4. Considerations while creating your poster:
  5. • Who is your target audience? ...
  6. • 10 seconds for someone to decide to stay or go. ...
  7. Making your poster stand out:
  8. • Interesting title.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.