11+ Bold Typography Poster Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #30 (2024)

01 Nov 11+ Bold Typography Poster Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #30

Posted at 17:26hin Daily Design Inspiration, Poster InspirationbyRyan McCready


Every hour there are thousands of projects published by many talented designers. But because those arepublished across a collection of different social networks and sites, you often miss them.

That’s why I decided to put togetherthe firstedition of the Daily Design Inspiration, and now we are on number30! With this daily collection oftypography poster examples, Iwant to give new designers a platform to show off their work.

To spread some inspiration to readers. To collect amazing design workon one platform. And to make iteasy for anyone to create something beautiful.

So let’s get started!

In this edition of theDaily Design Inspiration, we are going to look at somebold typographicposters fromBureau Borsche,Tim Tijink,and a few from our own Venngage designers.

Now if you want to learn more about creating your ownposters from scratch, start withthis article:

Also be sure to check out yesterday’s Daily Design Inspiration, where we covered somecreative marketing brochureexamples!

1.Made of Two Minimalist Typography Poster Collection

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11+ Bold Typography Poster Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #30 (5)

Creator:Giuseppe Fierro

Type:Creative Typography Poster Example

The typography poster template above shows multiple examples of how you can get your point across through minimalist designs. Scrolling through each example, the negative space in each poster design helps the reader focus directly on the message. There are no images present, only bold text against solid backgrounds; minimizing any distractions.

Across the typography poster template, the designer has provided examples where the message reflects in the typography design itself, and some without. Each one is just as effective and gets the message across. For example, looking at the first one mentioning time, the words “No Time” reminds me of an hourglass; one is the time that has passed, and another that is in the present. The shade of the top part is more vibrant and represents current time, matching not only the color of the rest of the message but going along with the overall message itself!

2. Simple BlueJob Expo Event Poster Template

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Type:Business Typography Poster Example

Adding an opaque text box over background images makes your information more legible, just like this typography poster example. In this case, the designer used a maximum of two different font styles to distinguish the main details from supporting details. The heading is straightforward which accurately represents the event, and with the large bold font style, it pops to the readers’ eye.

Though the background consists of a vibrant color, it’s muted with the text box on top, yet still bringing color to life with the use of a simple line under the text. These minor details in your typography poster example can balance out designs and make it more visually appealing. This poster design is a great example of how multiple headings can be bolded to deliver different information.

3.Nike Bounce For DaysTypography Poster Example

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Type:Typography Product Poster Example

Nike never disappoints when it comes to their advertisem*nts, and this typography product poster is the perfect example. The ball, the athlete, and the shoes all play a part in the act of bouncing, and if it wasn’t clear from the image alone, the word “BOUNCE” sets you on the right path!

For your typography product poster, think of the key traits you want to promote and make sure your text style is reflective of that. This typography poster example has minimal text, but yet is more effective than the rest, all due to the design layout of the heading. Using white against a busy and vibrant background can place even more emphasis on the text.

The placement of each letter in different positions also makes the user experience a bounce, by simply reading the word. If that isn’t effective typography, I’m not sure what is.

4.Typography x Photography Poster Example Series

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Creator:Tim Tijink

Type:Bold Typography Poster Examples

Here is another example of a bold typography poster where the text takes the user through a journey. In the first poster example, the different shading and alignment of each word create a sense of depth. The word “into” draws you to the wild, one word at a time, slowly sucking you in. The opacity in the text adds to the effect, as it lets you see through the image. Each “wild” has different brightness and texture, in a way reflecting how each experience can vary.

The next bold typography poster in this template creates direction into the sky; the same way airplanes take off and land. In this case, the designer initiated this feeling from the skewed text in respect to the airplane. Using imagery that reflects your message not only adds to the theme but also dismisses any confusion the reader may have.

5. Innovative Typography Centric Event Poster Example

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Creator:Not Listed

Type:Simple Typography Poster Example

Visual conversations have no boundaries; they can be in any shape and form, just like this typography poster example. The composition and arrangement for the words above for are different than you would see anywhere else; intriguing the user instantly. Whether it’s placed in a light or dark setting, either way, the poster example catches the eye, all due to the typography.

In this typography poster example, consistency has created balance all along the page. Not only is this design unique in the way it has aligned the text, but even balanced diagonally, as compared to horizontal or vertical. If you want to use large bold text to get the message across, be mindful of the background setting, as it can really affect the effectiveness.

6.Urban Socks Marketing Typography Poster Example

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Creator:Gianluca Santoro

Type:Typography Marketing Poster Example

Urban life can at times be loud and busy, right in your face with lots going on. Seems to be right along the lines of these typography marketing posters right? Add some noise, add some color to your life, and make it interesting.

At first, the grey background in one of the typography marketing posters reminded me of the textured grey pair of socks we all have, but taking a closer look, it even looks like the gravel in the streets. Looking at the red poster next, the black shape resembles a tie and makes me think of the brave souls who wear colorful socks under their serious suits; also bringing color to their life. Each element and composition is powerful, inspiring the reader, not only with the poster design but the context itself!

7.Google Font Trends Typography Poster Example

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Creator:Abhishek Garg

Type:Typography Poster Example

The designer for this informational typography template has done a tremendous job at teaching us the concept behind this message. Not only do you get to read the details for this message, but also you visually understand it from the first look.

When using multiple elements on a page, you have to incorporate contrast one way or another, otherwise, there would be low visibility as to what’s presented. In this case, we got two examples, one side against a solid colored background and the other against a background image. For both sections, we can easily read the text due to the color contrast in the text, no matter what the size.

Teaching by example always works, and this was definitely the case here. Use this informational typography template to send your message in ways a user can relate, as it makes it more effective.

8.Make Good Things Happen Colorful Poster Example

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Creator:Make Good Things Happen

Type:Colorful Typography Poster Example

This seems like a busy typography poster example, but once you understand what it’s about, it doesn’t feel that way at all. If you focus on the message, your mind easily wanders to other topics it can relate to. However, the background image sets you on the right path and leads you to the intended purpose.

Large red text always catches my attention instantly and gives me a sense of urgency that I can’t ignore. In this case, with the inspirational message, using red was really the best choice. Even in bright, vibrant settings the red from this typography poster example easily stands out, drawing you in closer to see what it’s really about. If used properly, you can use noise to keep your audience interested, just make sure it doesn’t distract them to any other topics.

9.Go Vote Minimalist Poster Example

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11+ Bold Typography Poster Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #30 (32)

Creator:Viet Huynh

Type:Simple Typography Poster Example

Before reading any text, the mouth instantly makes me think it’s a loud typography poster design associated with music. When really it’s pushing you to make sure your voice is heard.
Over the years we’ve seen so many vote posters that we easily tune them out and barely give them a chance to look at. In this case, it kept my attention since I mistook it for the wrong kind, and once I corrected myself, it intrigued me even more. In a way, making it accessible to a wider audience, ones who get attracted to vote posters, and even the ones who are the exact opposite.

The text in this typography poster design is bold and easy to read, making it straight to the point. It doesn’t drown the audience in excessive information on how they should vote, it simply tells them to go do it.

10.Leica M-Monochrom Product Poster Example

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Creator:Saatchi & Saatchi

Type:Creative Typography Product Poster Example

This typography product poster has effectively used font weight to bold certain letters and make them stand out against the monochrome design. Monochrome concepts can easily lose the audience, as it appears dull with no life to it. In this case, the bold camera and letters gave us something to focus on and get the message across.

The size of small text in this typography product poster can achieve two goals. Either it can use the small text to draw the reader in for a closer look, or it could simply be used as a background image to help align the more important, bolded text. Both ways it works and can enhance the user experience.

11.Red Dutone Now Hiring Typography Poster

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Creator:Xavier Esclusa Trias

Type:Creative Typography Product Poster Example

I love the softness of this typography poster template, in comparison to the rest, it really stands out to me. When it comes to typography posters, you mostly see powerful designs to make the message more effective. However, in this case, the softness of the color, the negative space, and the minimalist design is what had a great impact. Even in comparison to hiring postings, this design gives a friendly vibe, attracting even the shyest of people.

Contrast is a consitent theme that you have seen throughout this article, just like this typography poster template. The designer used to contrast with the color of the text, and with the white border, both contrasting with not just the background but with each other as well. This is a great example that shows you can use soft color palettes to get your message across; it doesn’t always have to pop to the eye.

Now if you want to learn more about creating your own poster I would recommend checking out these articles:

The Ultimate Poster Design Guide: 80+ Design Tips and Templates for Every Occasion

Or check outanother collection of Typography Posters below:

11+ Bold Typography Poster Examples, Templates & Ideas – Daily Design Inspiration #30 (2024)


How do you make a good typography poster? ›

7 Tips for Great Typography Poster Design
  1. Align your typography with the information and content of your poster. ...
  2. Know when to use serif or sans serif fonts. ...
  3. Avoid using more than three different kinds of fonts. ...
  4. Make sure that your fonts have the proper kerning.

How do you design an inspiration poster? ›

14 creative poster ideas for design inspirations.
  1. Create synergy with graphic and text design. ...
  2. Use icons in new, imaginative ways. ...
  3. Use vibrant, eye-catching colors. ...
  4. Rethink an object's potential. ...
  5. Play with symmetry. ...
  6. Use layers to transform your design. ...
  7. Lots of solutions for lots of text.

How many different types of fonts should you use on a poster? ›

Too many fonts distract the viewer and make it undesirable to look at, let alone read. Keep the fonts simple and limit them to no more than two font types. Arial and Verdana are pleasing to the reader's eye.

What is a good design for a poster? ›

A good poster will have a synergy between all visual elements in a composition including colour, image, shape, texture, and type. A poster may contain all such visual elements but will need to balance them well in order to retain balance and present a clear hierarchy.

How do you create a typography design? ›

As a designer, typography can be done by choosing the most suitable typeface, adjusting the size and weight of the text, managing the kerning, changing the line spacing, and coming up with a layout that looks good and is readable.

How to make a poster example? ›

To recap, here are the steps you should remember if you want to make a poster:
  1. Build your foundation.
  2. Draft an outline.
  3. Choose your color scheme.
  4. Add your images.
  5. Add your copy and graphics.
  6. Make sure your CTA stands out.
Dec 11, 2019

What makes a poster stand out? ›

15 creative poster design ideas to make your posters stand out
  1. Use bold color overlays and contrasting colors to create energy and elicit a mood. ...
  2. Establish visual hierarchy for more eye-catching designs. ...
  3. Remove unnecessary elements. ...
  4. Try interesting shapes to create visual interest.

What is a typographic poster? ›

A typography poster is a design that uses text as the primary or only element. The text may be arranged in a variety of ways (for example, in a grid or spiral), and may include different fonts, sizes, and colors. Typography posters are often used to communicate simple messages, such as quotes or slogans.

What are the five basic rules of typography? ›

The 5 Most Important Typography Rules
  • Understand Contrast.
  • Use Visual Hierarchy.
  • Understand & Use Grids.
  • Limit Your Font Combinations.
  • Never Distort Your Fonts.

How to start typography? ›

How to learn typography
  1. Review basic rules and elements. There are various resources, such as online guides and books, through which you can review the basic rules, terminology and elements of typography. ...
  2. Practice customization by combining and modifying typefaces. ...
  3. Experiment with layout design. ...
  4. Practice lettering.
Feb 3, 2023

What is a popular font poster? ›

Arial, Helvetica, and Verdana are examples of popular sans serif fonts. Script typefaces can be used for posters as well, but they should be utilized with caution because they are difficult to read.

What is the easiest font to read on a poster? ›

Helvetica. Along with Georgia, Helvetica is considered to be one of the most easy to read fonts according to The Next Web. This is a sans-serif font and one of the world's most popular typefaces—a modern classic.

What makes typography effective? ›

Create harmony and consistency

Typography helps create harmony and consistency in a design. In brand identity design, it's important to create visual consistency across all platforms. In website design, this looks like using consistent heading and body fonts throughout the site.

What is considered good typography? ›

Good typography, like good design, is invisible. The primary purpose of typography is to communicate a written message. Type should be designed to be legible and provide a pleasant reading experience. Factors like type size, line height, and line length are elements of typography that should always be considered.


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.