8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (2024)

A personal brand gives you a unique advantage as an entrepreneur and increases your likelihood of success because:

  1. You’ll know exactly what pain points your audience faces, so you can verify demand before building a product.
  2. You’ll have a hungry group of potential customers who already like and trust you when you launch the solution to their problems.

As a result, you won’t have to worry about finding product market fit, and your entire marketing strategy can be just a simple email or Tweet to your audience.

However, building a personal brand is challenging.

To make it easier, here are eight personal branding courses to help you avoid key mistakes and build your personal brand faster. Whether you want to build an audience on social media or start a newsletter, podcast, or YouTube channel, there’s a personal branding course on this list for you.

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1. Copyblogger Academy

The Copyblogger Academy is a collection of self-paced courses designed by Tim Stoddart and Charles Miller. Tim owns a portfolio of businesses generating six and seven figures of revenue each. He is also building an impressive personal brand on social media and through the Copyblogger podcast, where he has interviewed guests like Ramit Sethi, Noah Kagan, and many others.

Charles has over a million followers across various social media platforms and has helped his clients earn over $10 million by growing their social presence.

Inside the Copyblogger Academy, students have access to

  • Nine content marketing courses: There’s a personal branding course, but also courses on copywriting, content marketing, SEO, and other skills you need to master to grow a personal brand across various channels.
  • Dozens of masterclasses: Listen to interviews with top marketers and individuals with strong personal brands, like Amanda Natividad, Steph Smith, and many others.
  • Personalized feedback: You can ask questions and get feedback on your content directly from Charles and Tim.
  • Access to a thriving community: Mentors are great, but peers are often even better. In the community, you can connect with other like-minded individuals working towards similar goals.
  • Accountability: Knowledge is only useful if you take action, so you can attend monthly accountability calls to make sure you’re staying on top of your goals.

Whether you’re a solopreneur growing your own businesses or an executive at a company, the Copyblogger Academy will help you improve your writing skills and build a loyal audience.

In addition, the course content focuses primarily on improving your copywriting skills, so the material can be applied to multiple platforms (rather than a single social media platform). If you join the Inner Circle, you’ll also have access to personalized social media growth assistance, unlimited private access to instructors, and other perks.

Course Highlights

  • It offers a personal branding course and eight other courses on content marketing and copywriting.
  • The material focuses primarily on writing, making it applicable to various platforms.
  • Learn from instructors who have helped clients earn over $10 million using the personal branding tactics taught in this course.
  • Get 1:1 coaching and personalized feedback.
  • Access a variety of content marketing and copywriting courses (not just a single personal branding course).


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (1)

2. Part-Time YouTuber Academy

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy is Ali Abdaal’s YouTube course and is an excellent choice for people who want to grow their brand on YouTube.

Ali Abdaal has grown his YouTube channel to over 5 million subscribers. While he doesn’t personally run the course, you can purchase his standard course, which offers self-paced lessons, or the Accelerator, where you can access more personalized accountability and feedback.

The core promise of the course is that you will earn at least 100,000 subscribers if you create videos that people find valuable, post weekly, and repeat the process for two years. And, you won’t have to quit your job to be successful.

Inside the course, you’ll find lessons on:

  • Strategy and niching
  • Idea generation
  • Titles and thumbnails
  • Scripting
  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Monetizing

If you select the YouTube Accelerator, you’ll also have access to accountability and personalized coaching. Specifically, you can attend daily office hours and Q&A sessions with the team, one-on-one accountability calls, and access a private Slack channel where you can ask the team any questions you’d like.

Course Highlights

  • Excellent general YouTube growth course (from ideation and titles/thumbnails to filming and editing).
  • Designed by Ali Abdaal (5M+ Subs) and taught by his team.
  • Designed for part-time creators who still work full-time jobs
  • The Accelerator offers more personalized one-on-one feedback and accountability.


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (2)8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (3)

3. YouTube Scriptwriter’s Playbook

While Ali Abdaal’s YouTube course is excellent for general YouTube growth, George Blackman, Ali Abdaal’s former scriptwriter, created his own course on how to write video scripts. This is helpful if you plan to grow your personal brand through video marketing, as scripting your videos will help you deliver a more concise, clear message.

Scripting your videos will also simplify the filming and editing process.

Inside the YouTube Scriptwriters course, students have access to the main course, which includes Notion templates and video instructions on each step of the scriptwriting process, from crafting a compelling hook to building tension in a video.

George also has a Retention Hub, which is his analysis of the retention graphs of various videos on different topics.

While this course is designed primarily for video content marketers, it’s also essentially a copywriting course.

There are three different levels for this course. The lowest tier offers just the basic playbook with George’s templates and trainings. The Pro offering includes access to a community, and the VIP access level provides access to one-on-one coaching and script feedback with George himself.

Course Highlights

  • This scriptwriting course is great for anyone who wants to build their personal brand through video. It’s also particularly helpful for people creating educational videos or those who don’t feel comfortable on camera, as a script can give you more structure and confidence.
  • Learn how to write video scripts from Ali Abdaal’s former scriptwriter.
  • Access to a full retention hub with analysis of why users left a video.


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (4)

4. Power Writing

Shaan Puri has built an impressive personal brand on Twitter with nearly 400,000 followers and also founded The Milk Road, one of the largest crypto newsletters that he later sold.

Today, he has a copywriting course designed specifically for entrepreneurs and marketers who want to build their personal brands on the side. It is hosted on Maven and is a cohort-based course that Shaan personally teaches.

In the course, Shaan covers:

  • Writing effective cold emails
  • Writing landing pages that convert
  • How he writes viral content
  • How to clearly pitch your brand
  • How to write great headlines that get your audience’s attention
  • Writing like Jeff Bezos (what Shaan learned at Amazon)

The course is two weeks long, and you’ll want to attend the live calls with Shaan at 12pm EST.

Inside, the course has four main sessions with lessons, and you have 14 days to complete them as a group. While you can catch up later if you miss a day, it’s best to set aside time during the weeks of the course to focus on the material.

Course Highlights

  • It’s a two-week course structured in a cohort format.
  • It’s taught directly by Shaan Puri, and you can ask him questions on the live calls.
  • You’ll also have access to worksheets and action items from each lesson.
  • It’s ideal for entrepreneurs and marketers who want to grow a personal brand on the side.


The course only runs several times per year, so you’ll have to sign up for the waitlist to be notified when it opens again. Pricing may change depending on demand.

5. Newsletter XP

The newsletter platform, Beehiiv, recently collaborated with some top newsletter creators to launch Newsletter XP, a course for starting and growing a newsletter.

While many people focus on building a personal brand on social media, it’s important to funnel your followers into a newsletter as you can own an audience with a newsletter, whereas social media platforms dictate your content’s reach (and can ban you).

Newsletter XP is a paid course hosted by Beehiiv founder, Tyler Denk, and Morning Brew co-founder, Alex Lieberman. Inside the course, they interview guest speakers like:

  • Codie Sanchez: Founder of Contrarian Thinking
  • Austin Rief: Co-founder of Morning Brew
  • Max Tcheyan: Co-founder at Puck News
  • Brian Hanly: CEO at Bullish Studios
  • Adam Ryan: CEO at Workweek
  • Neal Freyman: Managing Editor at Morning Brew
  • Kendall Baker: Sports Editor at Axios
  • Yanna-Torry Aspraki: Deliverability Specialist

Here are some of the topics you’ll learn in the course:

  • Content and Design: Understanding who your target audience is and how to provide value to them.
  • Email Deliverability: The benefits and drawbacks of using email as a marketing channel and how to get more emails landing in your subscribers’ inboxes.
  • Subscriber Growth: How to attract, convert, and engage the right subscribers.
  • Monetization Strategies: How to make money from a newsletter (even if you don’t have that many subscribers)
  • Diversification and Scale: You might burn out if you write the newsletter yourself daily. You’ll learn how to scale your newsletter beyond one writer and possibly into other verticals and mediums.
  • Community: There is plenty of information on growing a newsletter available for free, but sometimes, it’s nice to ask a specific question to peers experiencing similar challenges. You can also connect with others and mastermind to grow your newsletter.

This is a great personal branding course for people who want to build an audience through an email newsletter. It’s also excellent if you’re already using the Beehiiv platform.

Course Highlights

  • Learn everything you need to know about starting and growing an email newsletter.
  • Learn from some of the most successful newsletter creators in the world, like the co-founders of Morning Brew.
  • It’s a great starter course that isn’t too overwhelming or expensive.


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (5)

6. The LinkedIn Operating System

Justin Welsh was previously an executive at a startup, and after getting burned out and quitting his job, he built one of the strongest personal brands on LinkedIn.

However, his secret to building such a successful personal brand came down to a few systems and strategies he figured out along the way.

Today, Justin has a LinkedIn operating course that teaches all of the frameworks he uses to consistently produce quality LinkedIn content that has turned into over 500,000 followers and over $5 million in annual revenue as a solopreneur.

He has had over 40 students become LinkedIn Top Voices and thousands of positive testimonials.

Inside the course, you’ll learn:

  1. What you should write about: Justin has a six-step process to help creators figure out a profitable niche they enjoy.
  2. Create content at scale (without burning out): He has a simple system for creating hundreds of content ideas in just ten minutes. You’ll also learn what kind of content works on LinkedIn and how to repurpose content effectively.
  3. How to generate leads: Learn how to fix common problems with generating leads from LinkedIn and sell to your audience without sounding “salesy.”
  4. Close customers: Learn how to connect your business to your personal brand and automate operations.

The LinkedIn Operating System is a very niche course designed specifically for LinkedIn, and there isn’t personalized one-on-one coaching. However, it is a great playbook if you want a simple system to get started on LinkedIn.

Course Highlights

  • Designed specifically for people who want to build a personal brand on LinkedIn.
  • Excellent if you want an automation system.
  • It isn’t designed for people who want one-on-one accountability and support (best for those who just need templates and basic instructions).
  • Taught by one of the top personal brands on LinkedIn.


This course is one of the most affordable options, with pricing starting at just $97.

8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (6)

7. Premium Ghostwriting Academy

The Premium Ghostwriting Academy is designed and taught by Nicholas Cole, who has been a guest on the Copyblogger Podcast in the past and is one of the premier ghostwriters.

While this course is primarily designed for freelance writers who want to become ghostwriters, all of the frameworks also apply to building your own personal brand. In fact, you can accelerate your personal branding growth by taking this course and implementing the systems and strategies to build personal brands for clients and yourself.

Inside the course, you’ll learn systems and processes to interview clients, effortlessly generate content ideas, and frame them to attract the right audience. Nicholas also shows you how to close clients and charge what you’re worth so that you can turn it into a profitable full-time job.

You’ll also have access to weekly live calls with Nicholas and other bonuses.

This course is excellent for individuals who want to become freelance writers and even full-time marketers who want to build a side hustle and their own personal brands.

Course Highlights

  • Step-by-step course to build a profitable ghostwriting business and the tools to build a personal brand.
  • Weekly live calls with Nicholas.
  • Course material taught by one of the premier ghostwriters in the world.
  • Access to a private Slack channel where you can ask Nicholas and his team specific questions.


He doesn’t offer any pricing information publicly. You can apply to learn more about pricing information for this course.

8. The Art of Interviewing

Podcasting is another great way to build your personal brand, but building a great podcast is hard. You need to know how to get great guests and ask great questions.

Additionally, the most value from interviews often comes from the relationships you develop with your guests. For example, if you form a great connection with the guest during the interview, that person is more likely to share the podcast episode when it goes live.

Therefore, Danny Miranda, one of the top podcasters in the tech and entrepreneurship category, created a course called the Art of Interviewing. It covers everything from attracting top guests, researching and preparing for interviews, and forming genuine connections with guests.

In fact, this is the exact playbook he used to land clients like Gary Vee, Alex Hormozi, and some of the other top entrepreneurs in the world.

This course is primarily just content rather than one-on-one instruction, but it’s a great toolkit for podcasters who want better interviewing processes and a more systematic approach to guest research. It’s also a great tool to learn how to develop deeper one-on-one connections with anyone you talk to.

Course Highlights

  • An excellent simple course for those who want to build their personal brands through podcasting.
  • A systematic approach to finding and attracting your dream guests.
  • Specific tips to research guests and prepare for interviews.
  • How to develop deeper connections with guests.
  • It’s primarily content-based (no live or one-on-one calls).


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (7)

Choosing The Best Personal Branding Course For You

There are many different ways to build a personal brand, so first figure out what type of content you enjoy creating (i.e., video, text, etc.).

Then, select one format/platform (newsletter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.) and double down on growing an audience through that channel.

To accelerate your growth, select one of these personal branding courses to avoid basic mistakes and use proven growth playbooks.

Ideally, select one that also offers a community and provides direct access to mentorship and one-on-one coaching with someone who has actually built a strong personal brand.

We couldn’t find a personal branding course that perfectly fit this criteria, so we built the Copyblogger Academy. You get access to a personal branding course, eight additional copywriting and content marketing courses, a community, one-on-one coaching, exclusive interviews, and more.

You can try out the Copyblogger Academy today to see if it’s a good fit for you.

8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing) (2024)


8 Best Personal Branding Courses (With Pricing)? ›

Clarity, consistency, content, connection, and confidence are all equally important pieces of the puzzle for building a successful personal brand. Focus on developing and mastering each of the five C's, and your personal brand will surely help you accomplish your goals.

What are the 8 rules of personal branding? ›

Eight qualities of strong personal branding
  • Specialization. Good brands associate with something specific and tangible, even if they're good for so much more. ...
  • Distinctiveness. Good brands have a voice all their own. ...
  • Consistency. ...
  • Relatability. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Visibility. ...
  • Goodwill. ...
  • Positivity.
Jul 26, 2021

What are the 5 C's of personal branding? ›

Clarity, consistency, content, connection, and confidence are all equally important pieces of the puzzle for building a successful personal brand. Focus on developing and mastering each of the five C's, and your personal brand will surely help you accomplish your goals.

What are the 4 C's of personal branding? ›

Four C's. This framework revolves around core elements: Clarity, consistency, content, and communication.

What are the 3 C's of personal branding? ›

To achieve this, it's essential to embrace the three C's of branding: Clarity, Consistency, and Constancy. In this article, we will explore how these three principles can elevate your brand and help you create a lasting impact in your industry.

What are the 7 pillars of personal branding? ›

To understand and build your personal brand, start with a self-assessment on the seven pillars: purpose, values, brand clarity, authenticity, strengths, energy and legacy. Use what you learn about yourself to decide where to spend your time and energy to work on enhancing your personal brand.

What are the 4 P's of personal branding? ›

The four Ps are: Perfection, Passion, Proactivity and Perseverance.

What is the golden rule of personal branding? ›

Clarify Your Message: Focus on communicating your identity, what you do, and how you can benefit others clearly. Ensure that it appeals to your intended audience. Clarity is essential for small firms wishing to succeed in marketing today.

What are the 4 V's of branding? ›

Becoming an entrepreneur and trying your hand at being your own boss can be extremely daunting.

What is ABCD of personal branding? ›

These elements include appearance, behavior and communication. Essentially, these three fundamental principles will help establish your credibility and trust among the people in your field. In addition, these three aspects are crucial if you aim to manifest your personal goals and visions through your personal brand.

What are the 4 C's of branding? ›

According to Colm Murphy, Group Strategy Director for advertising agency Droga5, we all look at the world through four lenses. These are referred to as the Four C's: Company, Category, Consumer, and Culture.

What is the AIDA model for personal branding? ›

The stages are Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA). During these four stages, your content will ideally attract attention to your brand, generate interest in your product or service, stimulate a desire for it, and spur action to try or buy it.

What are the 5 P's of brand identity? ›

Your business' 5 Brand Pillars, Purpose, Perception, Personality, Position, and Promotion, are the foundation of your brand and the elements that inform every audience touchpoint and experience. You have the power to craft your brand identity using the 5 Ps to make it the highest-performing asset your business owns.

What are the 5 P's of personal branding? ›

Unlocking the potential of your personal brand involves mastering the art of the 5 P's: Personal, Pointed, Prioritized, Purposeful, and Profitable. Let's dive into the essence of each P and explore how they can elevate your personal brand to new heights.

What are the A's of personal branding? ›

If you want to see dramatic results from your branding efforts, look at these five A's of personal branding: The A's of personal branding are authenticity, action, adaptation, and accountability.

What are the ultimate steps to personal branding? ›

How to create your personal brand:
  1. Get to know yourself better.
  2. List your education and work experiences.
  3. Hone in on a goal.
  4. Know your target audience.
  5. Develop your story.
  6. Find your unique selling proposition.
  7. Build your credibility.
  8. Create a website.
Dec 15, 2022

What are the 9 P's of branding? ›

Inspiring Brand Loyalty

Be sure the company is taking good care of their customers (People), and having the right Planning and targeting (People), the right Product, right Place or distribution, right Price, right Promotion, right Partners, right Presentation, with the right amount of Passion.

What is the 3 7 27 rule of branding? ›

The 3-7-27 Law of Branding.

It takes 3 memorable touches (direct mail, phone call, in-person, commercial) for someone to remember your name. 7 touches for them to put your name with your business. 27 for your name and business to become a brand.


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.