Architect, Owner, Builder, and Lord (2024)


Matthew 16:13-20
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Pastor Randy Smith

As our society grows more individualistic there is an increased dedication to the doctrine of self. People are trained that the world revolves around "me." We hear phrases like, "I am a rock," "I am independent," "I am sufficient," "Look out for number one," "If you want a job done, you have to do it yourself."

The dictionary affirms the emphasis on self: Self-advancement, self-appointed, self-assertion, self-assurance, self-command, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-image, self-interest, self-reliance, self-help, self-righteousness, self-seeking, self-sufficient, self-willed, self, self, self!!! All these definitions contain within them a large degree of self-centeredness and selfishness.

But as the world continues to exalt self, our Lord Jesus exalts selflessness. He comes to those who see their unworthiness and need for a Savior. He delights in those who prefer others above themselves. He opposes the prideful, but uplifts the humble. He makes His abode only in those who die to self and willingly yield to His lordship.

Should it be any wonder that Jesus turns the values of the world upside-down? Should it be any wonder that people (on their own) do not seek after God? There must be a divine awakening! Should it be any wonder that people (on their own) do not build the church? There must be a divine architect!

The title of this message is Architect, Builder, Owner and Lord. Our purpose is to establish the fact that Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of all that happens within this church. Christianity does not revolve around self; it revolves around Jesus Christ. Though magnificent corporations and cities have been erected on the foundation of great men and women throughout history, Jesus Christ reserves the right to build His church and call His people into existence. This morning we will learn about the One that is responsible for both of these.

First point" "The Revelation of the Messiah."


Jesus did not enter the world unnoticed! Naturally all who came into contact with Him developed a personal opinion of the Man. So when He arrived at Caesarea Philippi, Jesus asked His disciples for the word on the street. Verse 13, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" In other words, "How are people identifying Me?"

According to verse 14 the responses were legion. Some said John the Baptist. Possibly they shared the view of Herod (Mt. 14:1-2). Others said Elijah. The Jews expected a literal, personal appearance of Elijah acting as a forerunner to the Messiah according to Malachi 4:5. Still others said Jeremiah. Possibly, like Jeremiah, Jesus was a prophet of judgment who was often ignored and persecuted by the religious establishment. Finally, many placed Him in the "catch-all" category. "He is one of the prophets." At least the disciples were kind to not remind Him that some even identified Jesus with Satan (Mt. 10:25). Bottom line, all these responses fell short. Nobody saw Him for who He really was. Nobody was openly confessing Him as the Messiah.

Nothing has changed. Often the world (even the Muslim!) still speaks highly of Jesus without recognizing His deity and lordship. Pilate said, "I find no guilt in this man." Napoleon said, "I know men, and Jesus was no mere man." Diderot referred to Jesus as "The Unsurpassed," Strauss as "the highest model of religion," John Stuart Mill as "the guide of humanity," and Renan as "the greatest amongst the sons of men." Musicals today call Him a Superstar, others a Mighty Leader, Teacher, Moralist or Philosopher.

Who is Jesus? That is the ultimate question all of us must face. John MacArthur rightly commented, "A person's answer [to that question] is of monumental importance because on it hinges his eternal destiny. It is a question that no one can escape or avoid. Every soul, as it were will be pinned against the wall of eternity and forced to answer that question." Who is Jesus to the world? Who is Jesus to You?


Now in turning to His apostles, Jesus asked them in vs. 15, "But who do you say that I am?" "Regardless of what the others say, you have been My followers. You have listened to My teachings and observed My miracles. Who do you say that I am?"

Though Jesus addressed the question to all, Peter in his typical brashness breaks the silence. Acting as a spokesman for the twelve he responded in verse 16 and said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Peter revealed that Jesus was not a mere man or solely a prophet from God. Rather, Jesus was the Christ, in Greek the "Anointed One," or the popular Hebrew translation, "Messiah." Peter revealed that Jesus was the long-awaited One who would fulfill the Old Testament Messianic hope to bring restoration for God's people ordained by the Father and anointed by the Spirit. Where the others failed, Peter succeeded. He got it right.

Our Lord's immediate response is interesting. Verse 17, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven." One, Peter was blessed. To see Jesus for who He really is and then acknowledge Him as your Lord is the greatest blessing in the world. And two, Peter's acknowledgement of Jesus came, as the verse says, as a gift from above.

That is why I believe Jesus addresses Peter in verse 17 as Simon Barjonah (Simon, the son of John). Jesus wanted to emphasize his humanness, his inadequacy, his mortality in being a normal son of a normal father. As the verse says, it was not through "flesh and blood" (Gal. 1:16; Eph. 6:12; Heb. 2:14) that led Peter to his profound conclusion. It was not through human calculations, deductions, intuitions or cleverness. Not through manipulation or the coercion of an evangelist. Not even through witnessing tremendous signs. Jesus makes it crystal-clear that Peter did not acknowledge Jesus as Christ based on any human effort, but rather through a direct revelation from His Father in heaven.

And in the way God revealed the truth to Peter, He does the same for us today. As Peter himself said, God must cause us to be born again (1 Pet. 1:3). Ephesians 2 says we are spiritually dead (Eph. 2:1). God must call us from the grave as He did Lazarus. We are spiritually blind. That is why the Spirit must open our eyes. God uses human means to share the Gospel, but God must regenerate hearts to respond to it rightly (Jn. 6:44; 1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 4:6; Eph. 2:5).

With the revelation of Himself disclosed, Jesus now turns to the revelation of His Messianic community, the church - our second point.


In verse 18 Jesus says, "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it."

Though the new name was given to Simon before this account, its significance is revealed at this time. "Cephas" in the Aramaic. "Peter" in the Greek. Technically Petros which translated means "stone." Such a name was not to describe Peter's character which was at times waffling, but rather his function as a foundation of the church. Throughout the ages this verse has been interpreted in a variety of ways.

The Roman Catholics take Peter to be the rock and sole foundation of the church. They go as far as to say that Peter was the first pope (even though the first pope, Gregory I, was not identified as such until 604 AD), and every pope that has existed has followed in his apostolic succession. They believe that the Lord conferred on St. Peter the first place of honor and jurisdiction in the government of the whole church whereas all succeeding popes now posses that same spiritual authority. Therefore, only the Catholic Church, they say, is a continuation of Christ's ministry, and only the Catholic Church can be identified as the true church of God.

However, the Scriptures make it abundantly clear that the one foundation of the church is not Peter, but rather Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul said, "According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building upon it. But let each man be careful how he builds upon it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor. 3:10-11).

Additionally, the Bible says nothing about Peter's succession, infallibility or excessive authority. Peter never claimed a superior title, privilege or rank. He frequently identified himself with humbling terms (1 Pet. 5:1; 2 Pet. 1:1). In 1 Peter he called Jesus the "corner stone" (1 Pet. 2:6-7). And if Peter were given the preeminent place of honor in the other apostle's presence, why would the disciples debate only two chapters later as to who is the greatest in the kingdom (Mt. 18:1)? Had not Jesus already settled that issue?

J.C. Ryle summed it up best: "To speak of an erring, fallible child of Adam as the foundation of the spiritual temple, is very unlikely in the ordinary language of Scripture. Above all, no reason can be given why our Lord should not have said, 'I will build my church upon thee,' if such had been His meaning."

In protesting the Roman Catholic interpretation Protestant scholars have emphasized that the foundation is not Peter, but Christ, based upon a distinction between the two very similar but different Greek words found in this verse (Petros and Petra). Petros means Peter or stone and Petra means a rocky cliff or ledge. Since Peter is identified as a stone they say Jesus must be identified as the rocky cliff. Therefore they say the verse could be translated in this fashion: "You are Petros (Peter-small stone) and upon this Petra (Me/Jesus-rocky cliff), I will build My church." In other words, "I am the granite foundation and you Peter are a small stone on that foundation."

Though this interpretation has much to offer, I believe it concludes too much based upon a questionable Greek word study. Furthermore, the context clearly refers to Peter, and I believe more than just his confession: "You are Peter and upon this rock (you, Peter), I will build My church."

So I humbly believe the best interpretation lies somewhere in-between the two interpretations I have just presented. There is no doubt that Jesus is the foundation and cornerstone of the church. Yet in a secondary sense it is legitimate to speak of the apostles, including Peter as their representative, as the church's foundation also.

Ephesians 2:19-20 says "So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, ChristJesus Himself being the corner stone." Likewise Revelation 21:14 says, "And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

The apostles were given a unique function unlike other Christians. God specifically appointed and inspired these men. He would deliver His message through them to all who followed. They directly represented Christ. And Peter specifically could be described as the first amongst eleven equals. He made the first confession. He was the leader of the twelve.

Church history also highlights Peter's predominate role as a foundation of the church. The man is mentioned over 50 times in Acts. He is the most influential tool in the early church. His sermons were used to reap in thousands of converts. His name occurs first in every biblical list of the twelve. Peter assisted Mark in the writing of his Gospel, and most scholars believe both Luke and Matthew used the Gospel of Mark as a primary source in writing their Gospels.

Though Protestants are careful not to overextend Peter's authority, R.T. France said, "The wordplay and the whole structure of the passage, demands that this verse is every bit as much Jesus' declaration about Peter as vs. 16 was Peter's declaration about Jesus." William Barclay put it this way, "[Jesus] did not mean that the church depended on Peter, as it depended on Himself, and on God, the Rock, alone. He did mean that the church began with Peter; in that sense Peter is the foundation of the church." John MacArthur adds, "The Lord builds the church on the truth of Himself, and because His people are inseparable from Him they are inseparable from His truth. And because the apostles were endowed with His truth in a unique way, by their preaching of that truth they were the foundation of His church in a unique way."

And the Lord is still building His church upon that foundation with living stones (1 Pet. 2:5), with those who receive apostolic revelation and like Peter confess Jesus as the Christ as God enables them to do so.

Not only will the church be built on those who confess Jesus, but also Jesus clearly states with no uncertain terms that He will build His church! The word "church" (ekklesia) is never used of a building in the Scriptures, because the church is not a building. The church is the people. In the Bible the church often represents a local assembly of believers like The Grace Tabernacle. However, in this context, church represents the Messianic movement. It shows Christ distinctively calling this community His own ("My church"). The universal church belongs to Him.

Jesus Christ owns the church. Jesus Christ purchased the church with His blood (Ac. 20:28). And though we are privileged to be used by Him every time we serve in the body or witness to the lost, Jesus Christ builds the church. Since the day I have walked into the Grace Tabernacle my total trust is that Jesus Christ will build His church. And frankly, I do not wish to compete with Him in the process!


Since the builder of the church is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, the church will obviously be invincible. Verse 18 confirms this fact. "The gates of Hades shall not overpower it."

What does that mean? How about a brief word study? "Gates" are not an offensive weapon. Their purpose is not to attack but to prevent one from being attacked. You do not attack someone with a gate! "Hades" is the abode of the dead corresponding to the Hebrew word Sheol. Hades is not the Greek word for Hell. That word is Gehenna.

So based on this word study and other uses of "Gates of Hades" found in the Old Testament (Job 17:16; 38:17; Psm. 9:13; 107:18; Isa. 38:10), it appears logical to conclude that this metaphor represents the strength of the church to overcome the clinches of death and defeat. Though death will assault Christ's church by attempting to hold it within, the church will overcome and nothing will prevent her ultimate triumph. We have great hope that Jesus the Messiah will build His assembly without frustration. Regardless of what happens, we belong to an organization that will not die and will not fail. Read Revelation, we are on the winning team! I cannot guarantee a Jets victory this evening, but I can guarantee that the church will be victorious!

This fact is illustrated well by Gregory Elder. "Growing up on the Atlantic Coast, I spent long hours working on intricate sand castles; whole cities would appear beneath my hands [until] I was accosted by bullies who smashed my creations." Elder continues, "[Likewise] many people see the church in grave peril from a variety of dangers: secularism, politics, heresies, and plain old sin. They forget that the church is built upon a Rock (Mt. 16:16), over which the gates of Hades itself shall not prevail."


If we understand that the church belongs to Jesus and is built by Jesus, naturally we confer upon the church an authority derived from Jesus. That authority is described in verse 19. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Does that mean the authority of the church is somehow delegated to the apostles?

Let me ask you a question. Does the teaching of the apostles contradict the teaching of Christ? Absolutely not! When we understand that the apostles spoke not of themselves, but rather the inspired words of Jesus - Christ's words were their words - we realize that both He and they are linked as one inseparable unit. Remember earlier, the church is built on the doctrine of the apostles. The doctrine of the apostles is synonymous with doctrine of Christ. Therefore, the only authority the apostles have is the authority delegated to them by Christ as they represent every thought, word and action of the Messiah Himself.

Let's get more specific. The text speaks of "keys." Biblically, "keys" according to Revelation 9:1 and 20:1-3 speak of the power to exclude or permit entrance. Is this passage then suggesting that St. Peter stands up between the pearly gates and grants acceptance to those he feels worthy of eternal life? I hope not! (cf. Mt. 23:13). That position belongs to Jesus: "[I am] the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades" (Rev. 1:18). Salvation is not based on Peter's best estimations, but God's eternal decree through Christ Jesus. Therefore the keys, as we mentioned earlier, must correspond with the teachings of Christ entrusted to the apostles. Simply put, the apostles had the responsibility to proclaim the gospel and then the authority to dogmatically declare those worthy of heaven based on either the listener's acceptance or rejection of that message.

D.A. Carson said, "Peter [and the apostles] proclaim a gospel that has already been given, [they] have no direct pipeline to heaven, still less do their decisions [expect] heaven to comply. Those [they] usher in have already been bound or loosed by God according to the gospel already revealed and which [the apostles] most clearly grasped."

But allow me to take it a step further. Does this truth only apply to the apostles? No, it applies to the church because we, like the early church, are devoting ourselves to the apostle's doctrine (Acts 2:42)! That doctrine clearly teaches that there is salvation in no one else for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved (Ac. 4:12). We too can boldly proclaim that all who reject this divine truth are under the wrath of God, and all who sincerely accept the truth of the gospel have the assurance that their sins are forgiven. And when we judge according to the Word of God, we have confidence that we have the agreement of heaven on our side. We will see this again in two chapters when we get to the subject of church discipline (Mt. 18:18-20).

Christians have been given a revelation of Jesus Christ that has enabled us to see Him for who He is, to love Him, embrace Him and worship Him. We have been given a revelation of His church, a church that is firm, invincible and authoritative. And we have been given a mission to function as His body as we teach, enforce and apply the apostles' doctrine until His return.

Unfortunately the church has failed to live up to her calling. The American church is plagued with laziness, divisiveness and confusion. There may be some preaching, but often it is anything but apostolic doctrine from the Word of God. Consider the revision I came across from a well-know hymn:

Backward Christian soldiers,
Fleeing from the fight,
With the cross of Jesus,
Nearly out of sight.

Christ our rightful Master,
Stands against the foe,
Onward into battle,
we seem afraid to go.

Like a mighty tortoise,
Moves the church of God,
Brothers we are treading,
Where we've often trod.

We are much divided,
Many bodies we,
Having different doctrines,
but Not much charity.

Crowns and thrones may perish,
Kingdoms rise and wane,
But the cross of Jesus,
Hidden does remain.

Gates of Hades should never
'gainst the Church prevail,
We have Christ's own promise,
but we think the promise might fail.

Sit here then ye people,
Join our sleeping throng,
Blend with ours,
your voices in a feeble song.

Blessings, ease and comfort,
Ask from Christ the King,
But with our modern thinking,
We won't do anything.

How will we respond? Will we blend in with the world? Will we rely upon our own strength and wisdom? Or will we acknowledge and praise Jesus as our sovereign Architect, Builder, Owner and Lord of the church? He is the One who enables us as broken vessels to be used mightily for His glory in the building of His eternal kingdom. Are you being used by Him in building His church which shows you are blessed to be part of His glorious and unfailing mission?

Architect, Owner, Builder, and Lord (2024)


What does Matthew 7:24 mean? ›

Matthew 7:24–27 contains Jesus' famous illustration contrasting two foundations for life. One is lived according to His teaching, the other is not. Foundations matter, both in construction and in the way a person views the world. Those who follow Jesus' teaching are like a wise man who built a house on a rock.

What did Jesus mean when he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day? ›

Jesus said, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.” (John 8:56) This statement presents a puzzling truth. Jesus indicates that Abraham already received some 1900 years ahead of time a prophetic glimpse into the life and ministry of Jesus and that it caused him great excitement.

Where in the Bible does it say this world is not our home? ›

Hebrews 13:14-15 NLT

For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come. Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.

What is the meaning of Ephesians 2/20/22? ›

Jesus Christ himself is the chief cornerstone. He holds the foundation stones and walls of the church together. Everything depends on and is supported by Christ. There is no unity apart from Christ. Our relationship to Christ is what matters.

What does Proverbs 16:16 say? ›

ESV How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. NIV How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

Did Jesus call himself God? ›

In How Jesus Became God, Bart Ehrman explores how a Jewish preacher from Galilee was transformed into a deity. "Jesus himself didn't call himself God and didn't consider himself God," Ehrman says.

How does Abraham foreshadow Jesus? ›

Another significant foreshadowing of Jesus in Genesis is found in the story of Isaac's near-sacrifice in Genesis 22. In this story, God asks Abraham to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah. Just as Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, God stopped him and provided a ram as a substitute sacrifice.

How many years passed between Abraham and Jesus? ›

These accounted, are 422 years and ten days. From Abraham's departing from Ur in Chaldea unto the departing of the children of Israel, are 430 years, gathered as followeth: Abraham was in Charran five years, and departed in the 75th year: Begat Isaac when 100 years old, in the 25th year of his departing.

Where does the Bible say our home is in heaven? ›

2 Corinthians 5 1

Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.

Where in the Bible does it say to own a house? ›

Proverbs 24:27

27 Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.

What does the Bible say about staying away from the world? ›

I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” (John 17:11, 14–15.) The members of the Church are constantly being reminded that even though they are “in the world, they should not be of the world.”

What does goodness and mercy will follow me mean? ›

David is testifying that whatever threats have chased him, there is always a greater pursuer afoot—goodness and mercy. Though he has been hounded by those who seek to harm him, he remains confident that this divine love will stalk his every step. He is convinced that divine love will be with him to the end.

What does it mean to have a clean heart and a right spirit? ›

He pleads with God for a clean heart and a right spirit. He does not want God to cast him aside and remove His Holy Spirit. David longs for a renewal of the joy of his salvation. If cleansing from sin occurred and joy returned to him, David would teach transgressors God's ways, and sinners would be converted.

What does it mean to be sober and watch unto prayer? ›

In this context, "sober" means "serious." In other words, we should be careful about how we live. Our choices impact our ability to think clearly. It is better to be self-controlled, so that we can pray. How necessary is prayer for Christians? It is crucial.

What does it mean to build your house on the rock? ›

The home is like a house in the Kingdom of God. Build you house on the rock – a strong foundation – so that your house will be a home, able to resist every storm. Storms Will Come. Jesus is telling us that storms will come.


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.