Fight For Green R | DE000A3DK5M9 | A3DK5M | DAS INVESTMENT (2024)





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Top 5 Performer


Neueste Fonds



Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services S.A.

Aktienfonds Umwelt / Klima / Neue Energien Welt

NAV von 15.04.2024

116,47 EUR



FWW FundStars®




Fight For Green R | DE000A3DK5M9 | A3DK5M | DAS INVESTMENT (1)

Nachhaltigkeit (SFDR)

Impact-Fonds nach Artikel 9 SFDR







Sum. lfd. Kosten2,52%


Fight For Green R | DE000A3DK5M9 | A3DK5M | DAS INVESTMENT (2)EUR-Ausschüttend1,91%

` : '') + `

`; container[0].appendChild(dataEl); } */ } } } } } } } else { $(objWithChart.chart.canvas).parents('.chart-container') .find('.customChartPoint').remove(); } },};

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if (compareWidget) { let ratio; if (compareWidget.closest('.teaser-in-news__pics.hasWidget')) { if (window.innerWidth > 830 || window.innerWidth < 540) { ratio = 1.5; } else { ratio = 2; } } else if (compareWidget.hasAttribute('data-widget-mode')) { let ratio = 1.25; const widthEdge = window.mandantor == 'Pbm' ? 767 : 540; if (window.innerWidth > widthEdge && compareWidget.dataset.widgetMode == 'compareWidget_full') { ratio = 2; } } else if (compareWidget.closest('.di-rightbox-html') && window.mandantor == 'Di') { ratio = 1.5; } if (ratio) { fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio = ratio; } } const feWidget = document.querySelector('.fundsanalysisTeaser #widget-chart-max'); if (feWidget) { const getBoxRect = function () { let rect, box; box = $(feWidget).parents('.di-more-pic'); if (box.length) { rect = box[0].getBoundingClientRect(); } return rect; } switch (feWidget.dataset.widgetMode) { case 'fundsanalysisTeaserPhotoPlusText': { fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio = 1.6; if (window.innerWidth > 1360) { fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio = 2.4; 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break; } default: { const rect = getBoxRect(); if (rect) { let corrector = 0.139; fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio = 1.62; fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio += corrector; fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio = fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio.toFixed(3); // console.log('max ' + fundsChartsHelper.chartAspectRatio); } } } } }, renderLabel: function (label, id, spaceReducer) { const feWidget = document.querySelector('.fundsanalysisTeaser #widget-chart-' + id); if (feWidget) { const chartWrapper = $(feWidget).parents('.fundsanalysisTeaser__chart'); const tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(feWidget); const letterSpacing = parseFloat(computedStyle.getPropertyValue('letter-spacing').replace('px', '')); ctx.font = fundsChartsHelper.chartLabelFontSize + 'px ' + computedStyle.getPropertyValue('font-family'); const calcLabelWidth = function (label) { let width = 0; // calculate with canvas width += ctx.measureText(label).width; // if font with letter spacing, we need to calculate it if (letterSpacing) { width += label.length * letterSpacing; } // add legend color box width width += fundsChartsHelper.chartLegendBoxWidth + 6; // 2px border and 4 margin from text // add some unknown correction space (hack) width += 46; return Math.round(width); } const fullLabelWidth = calcLabelWidth(label); // console.log(fullLabelWidth + ' ' + letterSpacing + ' ' + fundsChartsHelper.chartLabelFontSize + ' ' + label); let space = feWidget.offsetWidth; if (typeof spaceReducer !== 'undefined' && spaceReducer) { space = space / spaceReducer; } if (fullLabelWidth > space) { const continueTale = '...'; for (let i = -1; i > -100; i--) { const shortened = label.slice(0, i).trim() + continueTale; const targetWidth = calcLabelWidth(shortened); if (targetWidth < space) { label = shortened; break; } } } } return label; }, labelPadding: function () { return 10; }, yScaleTitle: function () { const title = { display: true, text: '', padding: parseInt(this.labelPadding() / 3), font: { size: 0, } } return title; 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const d1 = new Date(split[0].replaceAll('.', '-').trim()); const d2 = new Date(split[1].replaceAll('.', '-').trim()); const options = { dateStyle: window.innerWidth > 767 ? 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= window.scrollY + indicatorRect.bottom + 'px'; } } } }, getActiveDialog () { let active; const box = document.querySelectorAll('.daterangepicker'); if (box.length) { for (let i = 0; i < box.length; i++) { if (box[i].offsetParent) { active = box[i]; break; } } } return active; }, handleHide () { const active = fundsChartsHelper.customRange.getActiveDialog(); if (active) { const cancelBtn = active.querySelector('button.cancelBtn'); if (cancelBtn) {; } } const indicators = document.querySelectorAll('.expanded[data-range="custom"]'); if (indicators.length) { Array.from(indicators).forEach(indicator => { indicator.classList.remove('expanded'); indicator.classList.remove('active'); document.querySelector('body').click(); }); } }, handleResize () { const self = this; window.addEventListener('resize', function () { if (self.resizeTimeout) { clearTimeout(self.resizeTimeout); } self.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => { self.handleHide(); }, 50); }); } }, handleChartLoadingAnimation (config) { const wrapper = document.getElementById(config.selector); 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for (const d of tooltip.dataPoints) { const dataset = d.dataset; if (dataset.hideFromLegend) continue; const index = d.dataIndex; const formattedMain = Number(d.raw).toLocaleString('de-DE', numberFormat); let formatted20, formatted80; if (dataset.hasSimulation && !== 'cash') { const sameDatasets = datasets.filter(function (el) { return ===; }); const dataset20 = sameDatasets.find(function (el) { return el.secondIndex === '20'; }); const dataset80 = sameDatasets.find(function (el) { return el.secondIndex === '80'; }); if (dataset20 && dataset80) { const val20 =[index]; const val80 =[index]; if (val20 !== val80) { formatted20 = Number(val20).toLocaleString('de-DE', numberFormat); formatted80 = Number(val80).toLocaleString('de-DE', numberFormat); } } } const dateObj = new Date(tooltip.title); const formattedDate = dateObj.toLocaleDateString('de-DE', { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', }); const headerCols = [ `

${formatted20 ? '(Prognose) ' : ''}${formattedDate}

` ]; const cols = [ `


` ]; if (formatted20) { cols.push(`

${formatted20} ${measure}

`); headerCols.push(`


`); } cols.push(`

${formattedMain} ${measure}

`); headerCols.push(`

${formatted20 ? 'Erwartet' : ''}

`); if (formatted80) { cols.push(`

${formatted80} ${measure}

`); headerCols.push(`


`); } if (!headerRow) { headerRow = headerCols.join(''); } if (!headerHasFutureMarkup && formatted20) { // reassign header row even if it already exists but without future markup headerRow = headerCols.join(''); headerHasFutureMarkup = true; } const row = `


`; rows.push(row); } const modeClass = (measure === '%' && !headerHasFutureMarkup) ? ' customChartTooltip1__box--percent' : ''; tooltipEl.innerHTML = `



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Fight For Green R | DE000A3DK5M9 | A3DK5M | DAS INVESTMENT (2024)


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Article information

Author: Ray Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 5716

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.