FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (2024)

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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (18)
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Non-Film Score Discussion:Justin Re-watches: "Night Court"


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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (22)FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (23)FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (24)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (25)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (26)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (27)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (28)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (29)Posted:Jan 5, 2023-6:56 AM
By: Nicolai P. Zwar(Member)

I used to watch this years ago in the 80s/90s, I guess, when the show came out. Not religiously and not all episodes, but when I caught it on TV. It was a charming, funny show, and of course I remember Brent Spiner's many guest appearances as Bob Wheeler, he was a hoot!

It's sad to realize that both Markie Post and Harry Laverne Anderson (who also had several guest appearances on CHEERS as a trickster) are no longer with us.

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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (31)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (32)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (33)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (34)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (35)Posted:Jan 5, 2023-11:32 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Oh, disappointing. I missed it, had to look it up. She died in 2021 at the age of 70. Shame.

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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (37)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (38)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (39)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (40)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (41)Posted:Jan 7, 2023-7:31 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Finishing SEASON 4:

"Caught Red Handed"

Christine deals with sexual harassment.


Rating: *** *** *.5

(NtM: 2:32/gif)


An extra star for once again expanding a little upon Dan's character and not having him be entirely one dimensional.

Notes: How is Dan writing a check? He's broke.

Rating: *** *** *.5

"Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson"


Notes: Bull has a pet python. So ... how did that work with the baby he had? Or the puppies he collected and probably took home?

Roz commenting to the dictator-for-life guy that he went from that be being a night manager, isn't too far off. Just yesterday I saw a non-fiction book with the subtitle of "From Crack Addict to CEO".

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 8:29/gif)

Christine: "Soon they'll all be part of the Great Melting Pot."
Dan: "Be faster just to pop them in the microwave..."

"Her Honor (Part 1)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Mac: "Well pinch my toes and call me a jelly doughnut."

"Her Honor (Part 2)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Bull: "I'm too depressed about Harry to rip your lungs out. Maybe later."

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (42)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (43)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (44)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (45)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (46)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (47)Posted:Jan 14, 2023-9:36 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)


"Her Honor (Part 3)"

Standard episode..

Notes: This is the final episode to feature Brent Spiner as the poor husband and his poor family. Like I said, they were supposed to be regulars, but they disappeared after this with no explanation.

Rating: *** *** *

"Her Honor (Part 4)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"Death of a Bailiff"

I just find the ending to be baloney. Had Bull kept his money, he could have had twice the savings.

Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "We have comprehension!"

Bull: "I wondered why God smelled like Tidy Bowl."

"Ladies Night"

Standard episode.

Note: This is the third episode so far to feature additional (uncredited) scoring by Mitchell Glickman. In this episode the male strip club had a few original pieces playing. Some of them were actually enjoyable.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "Honey, these are factory original!"


One of the best episodes so far. Some character development for Harry and a funny subplot for Dan.

Rating: *** *** **

(NtM: 1:41/gif)

Dan: "This guy gave me a hundred dollars for my soul."
Christine: "Hum, good idea; it was just taking up space anyway."

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (48)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (49)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (50)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (51)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (52)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (53)Posted:Jan 20, 2023-1:09 PM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Opinions on the new season aren't good so far:

And here is the new theme arrangement. It's not a Godawful butchering like many themes today of old themes, but its still not so good:

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (54)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (55)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (56)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (57)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (58)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (59)Posted:Jan 21, 2023-7:52 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 5:

"Mac's Dilemma"

Fairly standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "I don't do anything that disgusting without a box of candy and some sweet talk."

Harry: "How the hell do you lose a dead body?!"
Bull: "He out-smarted me, sir."

"Who Was That Mashed Man?"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"No Hard Feelings"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Harry: "You had a little trouble launching the old Love Boat."

"Constitution (Part 1)"

Standard episode. Expands upon Roz's character a little.

For the guys here: 9:47 in. You're welcome. I'd like to see her goose bumps.

Rating: *** *** *

"Constitution (Part 2)"

This episode was a little better and had a number of good jokes.

Rating: *** *** *.5

Woman: "You are really asking for it."
Dan: Motioning like Grouch Marx, "I'm willing to beg for it."

Roz: "My life is nothing but a festering pile of doggy doughnuts."

Roz: "What's that behind your back?"
Dan: "New Jersey."

"Let It Snow"

Standard episode that got a little annoying with the "We're all trapped in a building" plot again. This time, thankfully, without multiple child births.

Rating: *** *** *

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (60)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (61)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (62)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (63)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (64)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (65)Posted:Jan 28, 2023-7:31 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 5:

"Dan, the Walking Time Bomb"

Standard episode.

Notes: This episode has an accordion piece that closes it out, but there is no credit for who did it or on IMDb. Maybe it's a tracked library cue.

Rating: *** *** *

"I wanna be topless on your dining table!
Bull: "But I got plenty of chairs."

"Hit the Road, Jack"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 21:59/gif)

"I'm OK, You're Catatonic/Schizophrenic"

John Astin is always a joy when he's being a weird crazy person. An extra half star just for his scenes.

Rating: *** *** *.5

: "You mean, you agreed to commit yourself to a psychiatric institution just to make me happy?!"
John Astin Character: "I'm funny that way."

"Chrizzi's Honor"

I gather from information online, that really was the Queen of England in the end, and not an actress.

Notes: CinemaSins voice: "Christine's sudden cat is sudden!". Who was taking care of that cat while they were running late in court? Who took care of it the times they were trapped in the building twice? Why has it never been mentioned before?

A bullet fired from the ground into a sixteenth-story open window, from that angle of trajectory, would not fly under Dan's crotch and hit that lamp behind him. From that height all the assassin should see his probably his chest upward.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 3:19/gif)

"Another Day in the Life"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 10:11/gif, 15:01/gif)

"Heart of Stone"


Rating: *** *** *.5

Roz: "I don't know where this is going, but I got dibs on the movie rights."

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (66)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (67)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (68)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (69)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (70)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (71)Posted:Feb 4, 2023-8:41 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Finishing SEASON 5:

"Russkie Business"

Standard episode.

Notes: Yakov Smirnoff guest stars again. Bob Hope also appears briefly, as himself.

Rating: *** *** *

: "She's hot to Trotsky."

"Jung and the Restless"

Fairly standard episode. Roz's character is expanded upon a little.

Rating: *** *** *

Harry: "I'd say that's fairly obvious -- to anybody who knows what the hell a grock is."
Bull: "Its a sudden flash of insight derived from a profound epithetic experience. Or its that sound my stomach makes after I chug a Mountain Dew."

Roz: "You didn't shoot me. I find that attractive in a man."

"Top Judge"

Way too predictable standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 8:00/gif)

"Mac's Millions"


Notes: Mitchell Glickman is listed for additional music on IMDb for this episode (uncredited on screen), which must be for the band music. However, I think it's all pre-existing material and no original pieces. So "arranger" might be a better word.

Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "Oh, Mac -- you inherit two-million dollars and you treat us to lunch in the cafeteria. My thimble runneth over."

"Danny Got His Gun (Part 1)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "I have no yet begun to weasel."

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (72)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (73)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (74)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (75)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (76)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (77)Posted:Feb 11, 2023-9:10 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)


"Danny Got His Gun (Part 2)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"You are business end of reindeer."

"Danny Got His Gun (Part 3)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "...and whoever groped me -- thanks."


Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Bull: "Death is just Nature's way of telling you: Hey -- you're not alive anymore."

"Harry and the Tramp"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 16:50/gif)

Dan: "I made a prior commitment with a woman that I'm honor bound to keep."
Roz: "Must mean she wanted the money up front."

"Educating Rhoda"

Standard episode.

Notes: A young Nana Visitor makes an appearance as a crazy woman. But the acting ... leaves something to be desired.

This episode also has a short "Psycho" strings rip, but now one is credited for it in the end credits and no on has a credit on IMDb.

Rating: *** *** *

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (78)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (79)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (80)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (81)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (82)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (83)Posted:Feb 25, 2023-8:12 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 6:

"The Last Temptation of Mac"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "Sir, would you like to sample my yams?"
Harry: "Right here? With the lights on?"

Roz: "Your dinner was so good it came up and took a bow."

"The Law Club"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"Night Court of the Living Dead"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "I'm not dead!"
Bull: "This must be what they call the Denial Stage."

"The Night Court Before Christmas"

An extra half star just for Astin's scenes; he's just a joy.

Notes: Once again John Astin plays Buddy.

Christine's sudden cat is actually referenced again. I'm surprised the writers simply didn't just forget about it.

Rating: *** *** *.7

Roz: Shoving a large novelty Christmas cane on to his chest, "Pick a body cavity, Dan."

Buddy: "If you're in mid hallucination, I can come back later."

"Mental Giant"

Once the I.Q. tests were handed out, the plot was entirely predictable.

Rating: *** *** *

"Rock-a-Bye Baby"

Fairly standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "Oh, boy -- keep my feet from dancing."

"Clip Show (Part 1)"

Aptly-named episode.

Rating: *** *** *

Auditor Edwards: "I think you're a deeply disturbed man."
Dan: "Thank you."

Roz: "My hobby is ... shoving things..."

"Clip Show (Part 2)"

Unfortunately, that whole clown thing at the end of Part 1, went nowhere and was just a gimmick to further along the clip show premise

Rating: *** *** *

"The Trouble Is Not in Your Set"

Standard episode.

Notes: Several episodes back, Dan ran for another position, but the voting constituent thought he was dead. What changed? Running for office costs money, too, but he's broke.

Rating: *** *** *

"The Game Show"

Standard episode.

Notes: Harry did not have the time to say that to Mac over the phone.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 19:56/gif)

Bull: "It's a Judge butt, isn't it?"

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (84)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (85)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (86)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (87)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (88)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (89)Posted:Mar 4, 2023-10:15 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Finishing SEASON 6:

"This Old Man"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"Strange Bedfellows"

Standard episode, but the plot has been done before: Dan has feeling and can be a good guy toward women.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "Just keeping the bedroom lights on is kinky enough."

"From Snoop to Nuts (Part 1)"

Fairly standard episode.

Notes: Yet again John Astin guest stars.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "Nobody makes a fool out of Christine Sullivan."
Storms away.
Roz: "She's right; some things a person just has to do for herself."

Christine: "Don't worry -- I do not have a problem with alcohol."
Roz: "Where are you going?"
Christine: "To a bar on Fourth Street."

"From Snoop to Nuts (Part 2)"


Rating: *** *** *

Buddy: "With friends like these, who needs hallucinations?"

"Pen Pal"


Rating: *** *** *

"Not My Type"

The series finally does something with Art's character.

Rating: *** *** *

"Yet Another Day in the Life"


Notes: No, "Tortoise Nervosa" is not a real condition.

Rating: *** *** *

"Go suck on a tribble!"
"Go sit on a phaser!"

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (90)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (91)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (92)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (93)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (94)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (95)Posted:Mar 11, 2023-7:33 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)


"Life with Buddy"

Once again another half star just for Astin's performance.

Notes: Yet again, John Astin as Buddy. And it's been a month in-'verse since the last season ended

Rating: *** *** *.5

Harry: "Oh, Buddy -- I thought you were a sexy blonde Scandinavian."
Buddy: "Well, you're not the first one to make that mistake."

"If I Were a Rich Man"

So, Dan is broke, but he has the money to get even more broke?

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 21:07/gif)

"The Cop and the Lady"

This episode frustrates me, because Christine is Homer Simpsons stupid here.

Rating: *** *** *

"Come Back to the Five and Dime, Stephen King, Stephen King"

Halloween episode.

Notes: An old case file from 1939 can't be in Harry's desk -- the desk was destroyed once, replace, then at least half of it blown to pieces, and therefore replaced yet again. It's not the same desk from 1939.

Rating: *** *** *

"Blue Suede Bull"

Bull in that white suite looks like Egghead from the 1966 "Batman" series.

Notes: How can Dan afford a brand new Mercedes when he's broke? In-the-hole broke.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 18:41/gif)

Dan: "I'd rather be the towel boy in a Turkish prison."

Roz: "They broke the mold while making Bull Shannon."

"For Love or Money"

Fairly standard episode.

Notes: Flush with John Astin this passed year of the show.

Rating: *** *** *

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (96)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (97)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (98)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (99)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (100)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (101)Posted:Mar 18, 2023-7:36 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 7:

"Auntie Maim"

Technically, Roz does have a guy, he's just in prison for a while.

Notes: This is another episode where on IMDb, composer Mitchell Glickmanis credited with additional music (but gets no credits in the end credits). It's instrumental cues for the dancers, like the enjoyable piece at about 10:48 in.

Rating: *** *** *

"Attack of the Mac Snacks"


Rating: *** *** *.5

Dan: "Obviously she's had some bad experiences with men; I think it important to befriend her, earn her respect. Then I'll take advantage of her."
Christine: "It's nice to know that in this ever-changing world, you'll always be your disgustingly perverted self."
Dan: gives her a thumbs up, "Count on me."

"Branded (Part 1)"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 20:15/gif)

Roz: "Theres no calories in stolen food."

"Branded (Part 2)"

It's remarkable how Dan is only learning all these life lessons in the show once Harry took over as Judge.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: Looking at a pair of boobs, "You can't think those are real."
All Guys in the Room: "Who cares!"

Harry: "Yeah, well, here's another fact: YOU'RE A BIG WEINER!""

Judge: "Fielding's still a slime ball."
Harry: "True, but he's a law-abiding slim ball."

"Passion Plundered"


Rating: *** *** *

Dan: To Harry and Christine, "Oh, please -- you two have the sex drive of Ken and Barbie."
Roz: "Well, if anybody knows about having sex with plastic people, its you."

Harry: "Dan, this is an ordinary flasher case."
Dan: "Well, then its open and shut."

"Amore or Less"
https://ok.ru/video/1498515835632 (volume is loud on this load).


Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "Ah, women -- can't live with them, can't do most positions without them."

Harry: "If I had a dime for every woman..."
Dan: "You could make a phone call."

Bull: "Any suggestions?"
Roz: "Don't reproduce."

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (102)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (103)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (104)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (105)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (106)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (107)Posted:Mar 25, 2023-7:33 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 7:

"Razing Bull"


Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "Well, I've got nothing better to do, but I'm going to go do it anyway."

Dan: "You know, Harry, if you weren't born, Walt Disney would have to draw you."

Harry: "No, no one has ever told me I sound like a young Caesar Romero."

Harry: "Dan, you promised."
Dan: "Did I make eye contact?"


They just yadda yadda-ed over the laser gun.

Notes: More John Astin joy.

Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "Kissing butt."
Dan: "I prefer to think of them as: keisters of opportunity."

"Wedding Bell Blues (Part 1)"


Notes: Actor James Avery guest stars a little. You may not know the name off hand, but you probably know him as the dad from "The Fresh Price of Bel-Air".

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 1:00/gif)

Bull: "Am I going to understand this when I grow up?"

Christine: "Six months is a long time."
Old Lady: "Honey, I haven't gotten any in six years; you get used to it."

Roz: "How that brain of yours doesn't roll out of your ear holes, I'll never know." (to Bull)

"Wedding Bell Blues (Part 2)"
Alternative link: https://ok.ru/video/1498517998320


Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "Did you swell up like a balloon until a baby popped out of you?"
Bull: "No, I would have remembered that."

Dan: "Yeah, well, it's ridiculous for a man in my position to not have a secretary."
Roz: "Yeah, I hear you've been reduced to chasing yourself around the office."

"The Talk Show"


Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 3:10/gif, 4:00/gif)

Dan: "You also make love with all the warmth and sensuality of a co*ke machine! I oughtta know!"

"Melvin and Harold"

Mel Torne plays himself again, and we are graced with John Astin as Buddy again. Though Astin is wasted here -- he barely does anything.

Notes: Harry turns 40 years old in this episode. With a nice bit of continuity, Dan mentions he was once 40 -- and sure enough, a few seasons ago he said he was forty. Actor Harry Anderson, who played Harry, in real life at the time was around two years shy of being 40 years old.

Mel Torme name drops Henry Mancini. In real life they apparently became friends after one of the Mel-Tones members married Henry. And with another composer connection, in real life Les Baxter was also part of the Mel-Tones.

Rating: *** *** *

Harry: "I'm older than Spider-Man."

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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (109)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (110)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (111)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (112)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (113)Posted:Apr 4, 2023-10:54 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Finishing SEASON 7:

"The Glasnost Menagerie"

Yakov Smirnoff guest stars again. This is his final appearance on the show.

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 22:52/gif)

Roz: "You Samba with Roz, you see God."

"I Said Dance!"


Rating: *** *** *

Dan: "I hope a bear gets you."

"My Three Dads"


Rating: *** *** *

Dan: To an old grey-haired man who got a young blonde girl pregnant, "Still some ink left in the old fountain pen, huh?"

Harry: "I thought you knew it all after your night in the closet with Fluffy the cat!"

"Still Another Day in the Life"


Notes: There were two or three prior episodes where Harry said there was no way they could get 200 cases done by midnight, but there they have almost 250 and it's an hour before midnight and a hundred left to go.

Rating: *** *** *

"A Closer Look"

An extra half-star rating for the different approach of this episode which made it a little refreshing.

Notes: The episode opens up with an dramatic theme music cue for a fake TV series that is filming the characters. No composer is credited on IMDb or in the end credits of the episode. Wish I knew who did -- I'd like to own it.

The Trivia age on IMDb says this is the first time we see that Christine has an office.

Rating: *** *** *.5

"The Blues of the Birth"


Notes: Sadly, this is the final appearance of John Astin on the show. I looked around but didn't readily find a reason why he never returned. Given Astin is still alive and still acting, if there was a legitimate reason to bring his character back for the new season, I guess he'd do it.

Am I the only one who noticed the weird long pink socks Roz is wearing with her Bailiff uniform?

According to the Trivia page on IMDb, in real life the actress playing Christine got pregnant, so they wrote it into the script and she gave birth in real life shortly after the season wrapped.

Rating: *** *** *.5

Bull: On Christine deciding to work when so close to giving birth, "Right, in primitive cultures women would work in the fields all day and then when the time came, they just take a five and squat."

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FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (115)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (116)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (117)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (118)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (119)Posted:Apr 8, 2023-7:39 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)


"A Family Affair (Part 1)"



Rating: *** *** *

Blind Store Clerk: "Two bucks for a pack of stale liquorish. I love guilt."

Harry: "That's it for tonight," slams the gabble, "I got some cramming to do."
Dan: "Come to think of it -- so do I."

Dan: "Please tell me you two didn't sleep together."
Bull: "Heavens no -- we only had sex."

"A Family Affair (Part 2)"
https://ok.ru/video/2041384340221 (recap ends at 1:35 in)


Rating: *** *** *

"When Harry Met Margaret"

I don't find this girl neither attractive nor interesting as a character.

Notes: About 15:40 in there is some pleasant fine-dining restaurant music. There is no composer credited on IMDb or in the end credits for it.

Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "Even in his dreams he gets the shaft."

Out-of-context quote...
Roz: "Even in his dreams he gets the shaft."

"Can't Buy Me Love"


Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 12:49/gif)

Dan: "What would you say is my most astounding trait: my true love of the law, or the fact that I can dial the phone with my tongue?"

Dan: "There's a lint-free Twinkie in it for you."

"Death Takes a Halloween"

You know, a comedy/drama series where Stephen Root plays Death and is the good guy, might have been interesting.

Notes: 11:00 in: a short theremin cue.

Rating: *** *** **

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (120)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (121)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (122)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (123)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (124)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (125)Posted:Apr 15, 2023-2:00 PM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 8:

"Crossroads (Part 1)"

The highlight of the episode, of course, is Christine in a pink dress.

Rating: *** *** *

"Crossroads (Part 2)"

An extra star for Mac's flashback scene, not perfect, but still good.

Rating: *** *** **

"Day Court"


Notes: About 15:15 in: some light lounge-y jazz music. There is no composer credited on IMDb or in the end credits for it.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "I had a cow out there."
Harry: "You had a heard."

"A Night Court at the Opera"


Rating: *** *** *

"Nobody Says Rat Fink Anymore"

An extra star for the any stuff, and Harry confronting his bully.

Rating: *** *** **

"Jail Bait"

An extra half star for for the closing lines of the episode -- that's exactly what a guy would do.

Rating: *** *** *.5

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (126)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (127)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (128)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (129)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (130)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (131)Posted:Apr 22, 2023-7:35 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 8:

"It's Just a Joke"

Many of today's "clapture" comedians, could learn something from this episode.

Rating: *** *** *.5

"Bringing Down Baby"


Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "I'll have you know I can kick but tin bunny slippers."

Roz: "You ever heard the word 'please'."
Bratty Acting Kid: "You ever heard the word 'no'?"

"Presumed Insolvent"

Dan was especially sleezy, even for Dan, in this episode.

Notes: Last episode with Phil.

Rating: *** *** *

"Mama Was a Rollin' Stone"

Standard episode.

Rating: *** *** *

"Attachments Included"


Notes: Dan's description of female personal ads is still true today... ;-)

Rating: *** *** *

(NtM: 10:40/gif)

Bull: "Christine -- you're a lily pad in a pond full of sludge."

"Alone Again, Naturally"

OH, Harry's generic boring and not that attractive girlfriend is going bye bye. Yay!
Half a star off the typical rating, because of the obvious set up to Harry being wrong and an entire episode wasted on a boring character that should have never been on the show.

Rating: *** ***.5

Prostitute: "Monogamous?"
Dan: "It's Latin for: Almost dead."

Dan: "The same woman for the rest of your life? What if you live more than a week?"

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (132)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (133)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (134)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (135)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (136)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (137)Posted:Apr 28, 2023-8:34 AM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Finishing SEASON 8:

"Hey Harry, F'Crying Out Loud-- It is a Wonderful Life ... Sorta"

This episode would have been better had the whole thing been buyable, but it's not.

Notes: 9:24/10:05/17:51/19:55 -- score cues. No one is credited on IMDb or in the end credits. There's also an annoying honky tonk piano source cue, but not worth noting a time for. I suspect the cues aren't original but rather tracked.

Rating: *** *** *

"To Sleep, No More"

Even in the end it's still a little debatable whether Dan really had a heart or not.

Notes: A hair toupe called "The Shatner Turbo 2000". It's clearly the "T.J. Hooker" model.

Rating: *** *** *

"With a Little Help from My Friends"


Rating: *** *** *

Bull: "Gee, I better finish this thing quick before that sinks in..."

Christine: "It's time."
HA HA Support Group Leader: "For What?"
Christine: "For you to blow it out your shorts."

Out-of-context quote...
Roz: "I'm more of a take care of myself type of woman."

"Mac Takes a Vocation"

One of the better episodes of the series.

Rating: *** *** *.5

Butler: "I'll just stop by your office and buff your credenza."
Bull: "Sounds kinky."

Harry: "No, I hate to interrupt a man when he's alone with his appliances."

"Harry's Fifteen Minutes"


Rating: *** *** *

"Where There's a Will, There's a Tony (Part 1)"


Rating: *** *** *

"Where There's a Will, There's a Tony (Part 2)"


Note: 21:19 in: A closing score cue. No one is credited on IMDb or in the end credits for it.

Rating: *** *** *

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (138)

FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (139)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (140)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (141)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (142)
FSM Board: Justin Re-watches: "Night Court" (143)Posted:May 5, 2023-2:20 PM
By: Justin Boggan(Member)

Continuing SEASON 9:

"A Guy Named Phantom (Part 1)"


Notes: Library score: 0:00, 12:10, 16:24, 16:53, 21:34. No one is credited on IMDb or in the end credits.

Rating: *** *** *

"Do you have one of those foot-massage machines?"
"No, but I'll let you stand on my epileptic cat."

"A Guy Named Phantom (Part 2)"


Notes: In real life, charity fraud is a Federal crime and handled by the F.T.C. and Fedzilla takes you to court, not the state, so charges aren't just dropped like that.

Rating: *** *** *

"Sturdy gal -- she'll make a great breeder."

"My Life as a Dog Lawyer"

Man, I think that lower court judge would have been really memorable, had it been played by Bob Newhart.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "You gave them missiles, too?!"
"It was Christmas."

"Puppy Love"


Notes: This whole husband thing never came up when she fell for a prisoner a few seasons ago.

Rating: *** *** *

Christine: "Alimony isn't about need, it's about revenge."

Roz: "If you were anymore mellow, you'd be dead."

"Pop Goes the Question"



Rating: *** *** *

Roz: "Mac, did you know that you're eating coagulated amino acids, polysaccharides, and enough salt to embalm a pharaoh?"
Mac: "Wow -- all that for two thirty-nine?"

Roz: "Kevin Costners got one hell of a butt."

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