The Top Nine Most Crappy Processed Foods + a Brownie Recipe With Nothing Crappy In It (2024)

When I think about processed food, I always think of food that’s sold at gas stations.

Chips, crackers, cookies, muffins, everything except that one lone banana that sits by the register. You know the one. Sometimes it’s an apple.

Processed foods are convenient, they have lots of preservatives, they’re cheap, and you can open the package and pop them straight into your pie hole. No assembly required.

There are certain foods that are more processed than others.

A donut for instance is more processed than a piece of whole wheat bread. But whole wheat bread is more processed than say, a piece of sprouted grain bread. Sprouted grain bread is more processed than brown rice and buckwheat.

Let’s break this down into two simple steps.

Step one is below and you can find step two right here.


The first step is to identify the foods that would be better off avoided if you’re interested in taking care of your body.

1) Dairy products, especially sweetened dairy products

Watch: Got The Facts on Milk to learn all kinds of things about dairy you didn’t want to know.

In a nutshell: Dairy contains a protein called casein. Casein has been linked with loads of problems including inflammation, autoimmune diseases (think MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Alopecia to name a few), acne, allergies, and even eczema.

The average glass of milk contains 60 different anabolic hormones (organic milk or not). The purpose of anabolic hormones is to help calves grow to become very large cows.

Why are we drinking something with hormones in it that are meant to grow a 1500-pound mammal?

There is no evidence that milk and dairy products help protect our bones. It’s actually the opposite.

Turns out that the places in the world that consume the most dairy have the most instances of hip fractures, and the regions that consume the least amount of dairy have the lowest amount of hip fractures.

2) Anything containing Trans Fats

Trans Fats are lab-manufactured fats. To make Trans Fat, hydrogen is pumped into liquid oil to make a hard fat (think margarine and Crisco). This process is known as hydrogenation.

Trans Fats raise “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol.

They clog the arteries and are responsible for a slew of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and dementia to name a few. They are so bad that the entire state of New York banned them in 2006.

But get this.

Even if a food label says “Zero Trans Fat”, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s free of these fake fats.

It just means that there is less than 1/2 a gram per serving in that food.

To find out if an item contains Trans Fat, read the ingredient list. If you see “hydrogenated” or “Partially Hydrogenated” on the list, that’s your clue.

Common items that have Trans Fats are microwave popcorn, traditional supermarket pastries and donuts, frozen pizza, Coffee-Mate coffee creamer, and whipped topping.

3) Processed meats like sausage, hot dogs, jerky, bacon, and lunch meat

It doesn’t get any more processed than these.

Processed meats are filled with color enhancers, glues, and carcinogenic chemicals like Sodium Nitrite.

The Top Nine Most Crappy Processed Foods + a Brownie Recipe With Nothing Crappy In It (1)

If processed meats weren’t pumped full of all these chemicals, the meat would appear gray in color and dead-looking. This would make people for sure stop eating them. Sodium Nitrites are responsible for putting back in that reddish “fresh” meat color.

Processed meats have been linked with so many types of cancer and other health problems that a 2007 report from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) advised people to completely stop buying and eating all processed meat.

4) Donuts

Even vegan donuts, y’all. 🙁

At best, they’re full of processed flour and processed sugar. At worst, they’re also fried and full of Trans Fat. Vegan or not, donuts are nutrient void and are not helpful to your beautiful bod. That doesn’t mean I don’t have one once in a while 🙂

5) Smoked meat, barbecued meat, and conventionally raised meat

The high temperatures of smoked and barbecued meat create highly toxic cancer-causing carcinogenic compounds called Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs).

Conventionally raised meat is full of hormones and chemicals. Even organic meat is full of saturated fat and should be avoided for heart health.

Meat in general is something that we don’t need and that causes more harm than good.

If you’re set on eating it, at least stay away from smoked, barbecued, conventionally raised, and processed meats.

6) All commercially fried foods

First, there’s the Trans Fat issue because most oils used to fry foods is hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated. And just because it’s “partially” hydrogenated does not mean it’s “partially” good for you.

Even foods that are fried in non-hydrogenated vegetable oils like Canola or Safflower Oil have their own set of problems. These types of fats (polyunsaturated fats) easily become rancid when exposed to oxygen, producing damaging free radicals in the body.

Canola oil is pretty much guaranteed to be made from Genetically Modified ingredients.

And then there’s the risky substance called Acrylamide, which is formed in certain foods that are heated to high temperatures. The highest levels of Acrylamide are found in french fries and potato chips. 🙁

The World Health Organization stated that the levels of Acrylamide in foods pose a “major concern” and that more research is needed to determine the risk of dietary Acrylamide exposure.

7) Soda

Check this out.

One can of soda has about 10 teaspoons of sugar (usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup), 150 calories, 30 – 55 mg of caffeine, and loads of artificial colors and sulfites.

If it’sa diet soda, it has all of this stuff but the high fructose corn syrup gets swapped out for even more harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

Soda spikes blood sugar, interferes with the body’s ability to absorb calcium, causes dehydration, causes plaque buildup on the teeth, causes weight gain, and offers zero nutrients.

8) Refined white sugar

Excess sugar increases belly fat, damages the heart, has toxic effects on the liver, ages the cells and brain, and is addictive.

Processed sugar is found in a lot more than just dessert-type foods.

Food companies sneak it into lots of packaged foods to make them more satisfying, to cover up other chemical-like tastes, and to take advantage of the addictive quality. Some foods that are surprisingly high in sugar are ketchup, fat-free salad dressings, milk, granola bars, tonic water, packaged sauces and gravies, and even certain types of bread.

Check out some alternative names for sugar:

Concentrated fruit juice, dextrose, maltose, crystalline fructose, evaporated cane juice, invert sugar, malt syrup, cane crystals, and fructose.

All is not lost! When you need to sweeten things up try dried dates, bananas, brown rice syrup, and 100% pure maple syrup.

9) Refined white flour

The grain is crushed and the bran and the germ are removed. It then gets bleached and treated with chlorine.

What’s left is a nutrient-void substance that spikes blood sugar and acts like glue in the intestines, making it hard to digest.

Here are the items to avoid that are made of refined white flour:

White bread, white pasta, white tortillas, most crackers, baked goods, and pizza dough.

That wraps up part one. Part two is just a click away.

If you’re inspired to get away from unhealthy ingredients , check out Plant Fueled Life – our membership with thousands of plant based recipes and hundreds of meal plans.

The Top Nine Most Crappy Processed Foods + a Brownie Recipe With Nothing Crappy In It (2)

Rich Cacao Almond Brownies Gluten-Free and Whole Food Plant Based

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Author: Molly Patrick


  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ cup maple syrup or more if you want them a little sweeter 60ml
  • 2 cups canned black beans 340g, Crazy, right? Trust me – they work!, rinsed and drained
  • ½ cup cacao powder 40g
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup almonds 75g, chopped
  • ½ cup shredded coconut 25g
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds 12g


  • Preheat oven to 350° (175°C)

  • Place the banana, vanilla and maple syrup in the food processor and process until smooth.

  • Add the black beans, cacao powder and salt and process until totally smooth, about a minute or two.

  • Pour mixture into a mixing bowl and place the almonds and coconut in the food processor (don’t worry about washing the food processor).

  • Process the almonds and coconut until the almonds are chopped up to your liking.

  • Add this to the mixing bowl, along with the chia seeds and stir until everything is incorporated.

  • Line an 8 x 11 (20.3cm x 28cm) pan with parchment paper so that it covers the bottom and sides of the pan (or opt for an equivalent silicone baking pan) and pour in the brownie mixture.

  • Bake for 35 minutes.

I know that black beans in brownies sound weird, but just go with it and tell me what you think in the comments below.

The Top Nine Most Crappy Processed Foods + a Brownie Recipe With Nothing Crappy In It (2024)


Are brownies processed food? ›

You probably know that chips, frozen pizza, brownies and hot dogs are considered processed.

What are the unhealthiest processed foods? ›

The worst processed foods for your diet are typically ready-to-eat and low in nutrients. They include cookies, sugary drinks, deli meats, and frozen pizza, salty snacks like chips, and most breakfast cereals. These foods may taste good, but they're loaded with added ingredients that aren't good for you.

Are processed foods really that bad? ›

Buying processed foods can lead to people eating more than the recommended amounts of sugar, salt and fat as they may not be aware of how much has been added to the food they are buying and eating. These foods can also be higher in calories due to the high amounts of added sugar or fat in them.

Are home baked goods considered processed? ›

Common practices like baking homemade bread and pasteurising milk are examples of food processing and even chopping and boiling are processes. But these are rarely considered unhealthy.

How unhealthy is a brownie? ›

Since brownies are not nutritionally dense, they are not usually regarded as a healthy food. However, brownies do have some health benefits that might be surprising due to their chocolate content. Chocolate is a source of antioxidants and has been found to help lower blood pressure and increase good cholesterol levels.

What are the 5 most processed foods to avoid? ›

A list of common ultra-processed foods. Examples of ultra-processed foods include ice cream, ham, sausages, crisps, mass-produced bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, carbonated drinks, fruit-flavoured yogurts, instant soups, and some alcoholic drinks including whisky, gin, and rum.

What is the 1 most unhealthy food? ›

  • Deep-fried foods. ...
  • Processed meats. ...
  • Sugary drinks. ...
  • Candies and sweets. ...
  • Fast food. ...
  • Processed snacks. ...
  • High-fat dairy. ...
  • Trans fats. Found in many processed foods, trans fats are unhealthy fats that have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.
May 6, 2023

Is peanut butter a processed food? ›

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is an easy way to work some heart-friendly plant protein into your day. But depending on whether it contains added hydrogenated oils and mono- and diglycerides, it can fall into the processed or ultra-processed bucket on the NOVA scale, explains the National Peanut Board.

Are eggs processed food? ›

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods: Think vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, meats, seafood, herbs, spices, garlic, eggs and milk. Make these real, whole foods the basis of your diet.

Are cheerios considered ultra-processed? ›

An ultraprocessed breakfast might be Honey Nut Cheerios and a prepackaged blueberry muffin with margarine, whereas an unprocessed breakfast might be oatmeal, blueberries, almonds, and 2 percent milk.

Does coffee count as processed food? ›

Some types of coffee are more processed than others i.e filter coffee vs. instant coffee. Also there are many coffee products available commercially in supermarkets (such as iced coffee) and also many cafes, which have added syrups, sugars and other ingredients that have been processed.

Is oatmeal a processed food? ›

Used for oatmeal, rolled oats are lightly processed to make them edible. The oat groats (grain kernels) are steamed, flattened, and dried. They still contain all three parts of the grain—the bran, germ, and endosperm—so they retain all of the fiber and other nutrients.

Is canned tuna considered processed? ›

Foods processed at their peak to lock in nutritional quality and freshness include canned tomatoes or tuna, and frozen fruit or vegetables. Foods with ingredients added for flavor and texture, such as sweeteners, spices, oils, colors and preservatives, include jarred pasta sauce, salad dressing, yogurt and cake mixes.

Is chocolate considered a processed food? ›

Strangely, chocolate has been considered an unhealthy food [10], certainly because it was classified as an ultra-processed food (UPF) [11].

Is chocolate considered processed? ›

These foods go through multiple processes (extrusion, molding, milling, etc.), contain many added ingredients and are highly manipulated. Examples are soft drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, ice-cream, sweetened breakfast cereals, packaged soups, chicken nuggets, hotdogs, fries and more.

What is a brownie classified as? ›

Brownies are not classified as cakes – this is a very interesting point about the brownie. The reason for this is that although the texture is similar to cakes, it is classed as finger food (whereas usually cake is eaten with a fork), therefore they are categorised as a cookie bar (in America).

What is considered a processed food? ›

According to the Department of Agriculture, processed food are any raw agricultural commodities that have been washed, cleaned, milled, cut, chopped, heated, pasteurized, blanched, cooked, canned, frozen, dried, dehydrated, mixed or packaged — anything done to t hem that alters their natural state.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.